Chapter 7

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Throughout the next couple of years, the relationship only grew between the two boys. Midoryia learned how to stop himself from bursting into flames every time Todoroki looked his way but the attraction only grew with Midoryia. Misayo had given up on trying, so whenever the two boys made their way to her room she just agreed.


Until Sir found out years later. When Misayo slipped up.

He was very displeased with the boys. He did excuse the fact that they were children and making them want to rebel would not be the best idea if he wanted the perfect weapons. Misayo on the other hand was nothing more than a person. He took her quirk and her life that day. Midoryia's practice dummy for his quirk was now another quiet terrified individual.

The two boys grew rather quickly. They learned, and they saw terrible things. The Midoryia who once had life in his eyes lost that shine. One of the drawbacks of Midoryia's powerful quirk is that after using it he has terrible nightmares. It is almost like he is using his quirk against himself. Midoryia learned the best way to manipulate someone. Over the years he forgot Peppermint Boy and the promises he whispered in their secret spot.

He wouldn't forget him for long.


Midoryia caught an envelope that was tossed to him. Sir was calling them from the screen.

"I have an idea," Sir told them. Tomura started the League of Villians and Sir explained he wanted more progress. "I got Izuku into U.A." Midoryia groaned. For many reasons. 1.) Midoryia hadn't been to school in a long time, he was homeschooled 2.) His social skills were slim to none, so his ability to seem sane was going to be hard 3.) It was U.A. a school for people who wanted to be heroes, it would take every fiber of his being to not snap back on being a villain 4.) While Midoryia did keep his quirk from being easy to recognize, but what if one of them did. It just sounded so risky and Sir didn't like risks.

"I know it sounds risky but risks have to be taken," Sir told them. "We need to do something. All Might is working at U.A. we can kill him."

Everyone in the room was hushed. Midoryia looked at Tomura who's eyes glinted. He had stopped scratching his neck. Midroyia chuckled, "Since you say that,

"How could I say no to an offer like that?"

Author's Note: Sorry for the short chapter. The next one is going to be about Midoryia's first day. So that will make the chapter longer if you into something like that. I think this is going to be a long story since it took me this long to get this far.

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