It's A Date!

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*Pinky Pie has moved 10 people to a box room*

Vroom: What's a box room?

Pinky Pie: Mei was tinkering with my phone so now I can do lots of cool things on it! This includes moving people to box rooms! I can bring them and take them out of the chat whenever I want!

Vroom: So, why did you do that?

Pinky Pie: Because now it's just class 1-gAy!

Vroom: Okay

Pinky Pie: Shinso!

Pikachu: Shinso!

Pinky Pie: Let's spam Shinso until he comes!

Pinky Pie: Shinso!

Pikachu Translator: Shinso!

Pikachu: Shinso!

Pinky Pie: Shinso!

Pinky Pie: Shinso!

Pikachu Translator: Shinso!

Pikachu: Shinso!

Expresso: Hi

Pinky Pie: Hello!

Expresso: What do you want?

Pinky Pie: Do you have someone your bringing to the Wedding?

Expresso: Still haven't asked him.

Pinky Pie: Why not?

Expresso:You're annoying

Pinky Pie: 😘Thanks! I try!

Pinky Pie: So, your date?

Pikachu: Who?

Expresso: She wants me to ask Monoma out

Pinky Pie: And you should!

Pikachu: Just ask him man!

Boom: He obviously likes you

Expresso: I know

Pinky Pie: So ask him!

Expresso: Look are you sure it's okay to bring him to a party full of class 1-A students? He's Monoma.

Pinky Pie: Oof, way to bring your babe down.

Pinky Pie: Believe it or not he's actually been trying to be nicer to us!

Baby Shark: Yeah! Tetsu said that he doesn't complain about us nearly a much anymore! Only occasionally per day!

Pinky Pie: Plus I think he's try harder to get along of you're there with him! Come on! Ask him!

Expresso:... Fine

Expresso: So how should I ask him?

Pinky Pie: On a date or to the wedding?

Expresso: Both

Broken Bones: Wow

Broken Bones: I'm rooting for you Shinso!

Broken Bones: And feel bad for you

Pinky Pie: Don't worry! You're next!

Broken Bones:😥

Pinky Pie: So ask him on a date! Then on the date ask him to be your bf and if he'll go to the wedding with you!

Expresso: How?

Pinky Pie: Okay on Friday, after school text him to meet you somewhere, he'll come. When he arrives give him a flower and ask him to go on a date with you. You'll go, do whatever, then you ask him if he could join you at the wedding and if he'll be your bf!

Pinky Pie: Did I really have to plan everything out?

Expresso: Yes. We all know you've been going over scenes like this for everyone in the class.

Expresso: More details?

Pinky Pie: Fine.

Pinky Pie: You'll meet in that park filled with flowers and has swings. You know that one?

Expresso: The one in the outdoor mall?

Pinky Pie: Yes! Forget Words!

Pinky Pie: You'll swing with him then you'll go to dinner together. You'll choose the place. Next Ice cream! You will then walk while eating ice cream, the drop the two big questions! He'll say yes! You guys go watch a movie! Next day you guys will go to the wedding together!

Expresso: That's a good idea

Pinky Pie: I know

Mom: I have everyone's suits and dresses made. I could make his?

Pinky Pie: Yes! But get the size from Mei so he isn't sus about this!

Mom: Will do

Boom: If he hurts you, I'll kill him

Expresso: Thanks, but please don't

Boom: Fine.

Baby Shark: Good luck bro!

Pikachu: You can do it man!

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