Chapter 2

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Author's note: If thinking about death makes you uncomfy then just don't read this or do. I can't control you.

Midoriya shook his eyes and tears fell from his eyes.

No, he thought to himself. She can't be dead you have to be one hundred to die.

Midoriya didn't believe the woman. How could he? Death was not a topic discussed at the dinner table. One time Midoriya brought it up after Bakugo threatened to kill him.

"If Kacchan killed me, I would die right."

Inko just held onto the fork tightly.  "Yes that would happen but sweetie you aren't going to die. Not anytime soon."

"Are you going to die?" Midoriya gulped.

Inko smiled a warm smile, "I'm going to stay by your side for a long time."

"Promise?" Midoriya held out his pinkie. Inko gave a fond smile to her son as the hooked pinkies.


The memory faded as Midoriya was taken outside. Midoriya started bawling and clung to his neighbor's sleeve.

"Mommy needs help!" Midoriya tried to reason that his mom could not be dead. "She promised me." The woman just kept her eyes on the ground. Midoriya was taken somewhere he didn't even know. The world outside the car window blurred past him and he didn't bother to care. Was it something I did? Mommy did send me to my room. Midoriya worried this was some sort of twisted punishment.

The people in the car threw different words around. Midoriya wondered what these words meant. Words like adoption, or foster care. Midoriya heard adoption and thought of his mom using that word for like adopting a puppy. He couldn't understand how getting a puppy could have to do with him. Foster care was something unknown to him, was it a place?

"Mommy's going to be okay, right?" Midoriya asked the neighbor lady.

The woman took another deep breath and turned her face towards the window, leaving Midoriya with a thousand questions buzzing in his brain.

They stopped at another building and Midoriya followed. They guided him to a room, passing children along the way. He sat on the bed and asked what was going on but no one could give him a good answer.

"Get some shut-eye." The woman suggested. Which sounded like something Midoryia needed but he couldn't. He hated spending too long without his mom. He tossed and turned starring at the ceiling. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

For the poor crying five-year-old things were not going to get easier even after that day.

~Somewhere hidden~

"This boy? He killed his mother?" All for One asked suspiciously. He looked at the smiling kid with a mess of green curls. All for One doubted something so small and happy looking could kill his mother. In the picture, the small child clung to his mother and they looked so happy.

"Don't be fooled by his happy appearance," Midoryia's neighbor shook her head. "His quirk is something else."

All for One leaned against the desk he was sitting at. "Care to explain?"

"He doesn't know it yet, but the quirk can make you see your worst fears. When he grabbed my sleeve his hand accidentally brushed against my wrist and saw my worst fear, being torn to shreds. I felt each tear, I thought the kid was killing me until I woke up from the awful images he produced. I'm thinking his quirk has just manifested because his mother must have seen something so awful she had to kill herself. Inko Midoryia is a strong woman and she went through a lot so but her son's quirk was the thing that sent her over the edge. If we were able to get a kid with a quirk like that we could train him to use that quirk to your advantage."

All for One tapped his fingers against the desk. "Tomura will be very displeased," All for One sighed. "I'll look into the power of his quirk."

Words: 664
Author's Note: How was that? Another chapter.

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