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*Alian Queen changed their name to Shipper*

Shipper: Has every one gotten an invitation to Erasermic's wedding!


Shipper: Yes, it's their ship name

Vroom: I won't even ask.

Vroom: Yes, we all have an invitation

Shipper: I have madr a plan, but I need everyone's help so it'll be finished in a week.

Balloon: Okay! What do you want us to do?

Shipper: Has evryone RSVPed?


Pikachu Translator: Sent a text/letter to Sensai saying you'll come

Pikachu:Oh yeah

Shipper:Who hasn't yet?

Broken Bones: I don't think there' s anyone.


Shipper: Jiro could you be in charge of the music for the wedding?

*Shipper has changed Emo Music's name to Earbuds*


Earbuds: Sure. I could make some slow romantic songs and one's for partying.

Shipper: Great! Sato, you're in charge of the food!

Cocain: What should I make?

Shipper: The wedding cake, macaroons, wedding food.

Cocain: Okay! I can do that. I'll also add their favorites to the list!

Shipper: Perfect! Iida, you need to hand out the wedding invitations. The address are on the invitations.

Vroom: Alright.

Shipper: Kaminari, Hagakure, and Sero will make sure Present Mic is ready.

: So, how do we do that?

Shipper: You make sure he's ready. He has his clothes on, he's feeling alright, and other stuff like that.

Shipper: Shinso, Tsu, and Midoriya will make sure Aizawa is ready.

Shipper:. Koda, could you set up an area with cats and kittens?

Best Boi: 👍

Shipper: Momo, you'll be in charge of the clothing and making decorations. We're doing this so our teachers can have an amazing wedding without spending a fortune.

Shipper: Everyone else is in charge of getting the place ready unless I tell you to do something else. Alright?

Baby Shark:Sure! We can do it!

Shipper: Okay, who are you guys bringing as your plus ones?

Broken Bones: I'll be bringing my mom.

Daddy Issues: Same

Vroom: I'll be bringing my brother

Expresso: One of my friends from another class

Pikachu: Me, myself, and I

Pikachu Translator: Same

Shipper: Same

Mom: Yeah

✨Baggett✨: 🌟Same🌟

Balloon: Me too

Cocain: I'll bring Lunch Rush

Baby Shark: Tetsutetsu

:I'm bringing my dad

Monkey: Me too

Boom: My dad

Best Boi: My bunny

Ribbit: My friend from Middle School.

Earbuds: I'm coming alone

Octopus: Me too

Emo Bird: Dark Shadow

Shipper: Great! Thanks gays!

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