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Julie's P.O.V.

"Are you done?" The marching band boy asks.

I pull my ear bud out and give him a confused look.

"I need my sticks back," he says, pointing to my pocket. I turn to find drumsticks sticking out of my back pocket. I grab them and hand them to him, confused. Had the musical number I just performed in my head actually been real?

"Well, back to your normal weirdo self I see?" Flynn laughs, walking up to my locker.

"I feel great having music back in my life," I smile, closing my locker. "Luke and I were writing all weekend. Come on."

"It just felt like it was flowing through me like when I used to write with Mom,"  We walk to the main music room and I sit down at the piano. I start singing and playing the beginnings of a new song Luke and I were writing.

"Wow, that's incredible," Flynn nods. "Definite Gaga vibes."

"Thanks," I look back down at the piano. "This one I think we definitely have an anthem with. My mom and I started it, but Luke and I finished it."

I start singing the song, setting my fingers on the right keys for the chords.

"That's beautiful, Julie," Flynn smirks.

"What's that smile for?" I laugh.

"My girl's got a crush and his name is Luke," she says.

"No, no," I shake my head. "Luke's a ghost."

"A cute ghost," she says.

"With a perfect smile," I sigh.

"Ha! I knew it!" Flynn laughs. "Just remember he's made of air."

"Cute air," I shrug.

"Just don't get hurt, okay?" She says. "Look, obviously you guys have a connection. Everybody is talking about when you guys are going to play again."

"Play again?" I repeat. "We just started working on new songs."

"Lucky for you, you're amazing marketing team has been way ahead of you," Flynn smiles.

"What marketing team?" I ask.

Flynn shakes her head before pulling a flyer out of her backpack. "Surprise! You're playing the school dance this Saturday. You're welcome. I've already got it posted all over social media. You've got an excellent marketing team."

"No, no. Flynn, this is in front of the whole school," I put the paper down on the piano. Her phone buzzes and she pulls it out of her pocket.

"Too bad," she smiles. "You've already got 68 likes."

She turns and starts walking out of the music room.

"Wait!" I call after her, slinging my bag over my shoulder. "Flynn, why would you tell everybody we're playing Saturday?"

"You need the publicity. Starting smaller and then eventually, you'll be playing places like The Orpheum," she holds her hands out in front of her.

"You've got big dreams," I shake my head. "I just got back into music. With a band of ghosts not to mention."

"Hey," Flynn smacks her hand over my mouth and looks around. "Keep your voice down. You never know who's listening. Everybody thinks they're holograms remember?"

"Right," I nod, pulling her hand away from my face. "That slap was a little much, don't you think?"

Flynn shrugs once before looking over my shoulder. "Is that Dahlia?"

"What?" I laugh, turning my head toward where she is looking. Sure enough, I see my sister leaning back against a wall with a boy standing in front of her. A smile is spread over her lips. I nearly choke on my spit. "What is she doing?"

"Is she talking to Tyler Marks?" Flynn asks. I turn back to her, shocked.

"There's no way," I laugh once. "Right? I mean, nobody's noticed her... ever."

"That's an over exaggeration," Flynn argues. She goes on to ramble, "Guys used to notice her all the time. Then they would see that there was another one and get freaked out. And you and her have been pretty much no where near each other in like a year. I guess, people in the art program and music program don't share a lot of classes anymore so no one in the art program knows that you're her twin."

"So basically the art kids just dont know I exist anymore and therefore Dahlia becomes... hot and popular or something?" I shake my head, looking back over my shoulder. I see Dahlia laugh at something Tyler says an drop her eyes to the ground.

"I guess so."

I shake my head again. And to think Dahlia and I were starting to be close again. Then she doesnt even tell me shes suddenly friends, or what looks like a little more than friends, with Tyler Marks. Tyler Marks.




I hated writing this chapter, which is why it's so short. Also it's pretty late at night and I'm a little tired. But I needed to upload.

So here is another scrappy thing. But I have a feeling the next chapter is going to be better.

Happy Valentine's Day! Hope everybody was able to spend some time with somebody special (romantic or not)!



^^ yeah those emojis are going at the end if every chapter now... I love them

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