Chapter 3: I can't take it anymore

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A/N Wow 44 views in just three days, thank you everyone who is reading this. Also thank you JoinedForTakagiSan and Aleclc for the follows. I'm not really sure how long this story will be because the chapters are so short. But if it ends at idk chapter 15 then a quick short story but if it goes to chapter 40, I'm fine with that too so who knows. I digress I know this is an important part of the story. 

"Nishikata!" I ran to hug him (I wish I could kiss him if he didn't have that mask on)

"hold on-" the doctor reached out to me but i was too far gone.  I fell on Nishikata on the brink of tears. 

"I thought you were never going to wake up again." I started crying

Nishikata being weak and also crushed by my hug "Tak-agi? I- can-t br-eathe"

"Oh, I'm so sorry" (Huge facepalm to myself) The doctor pulled me back but I wanted to get up close to Nishikata. I broke free and stood right next to him, leaning on the bed. 

A/N DONT SKIP: Nishikata is still weak but I don't want to write like I have been for a whole chapter. So imagine he is saying this very weakly.

"Takagi, I really want to tell you something." 

I could feel myself blushing over my fading tears. (please Nishikata, Please say what i want you to, Please)

"Oh wow, this is the first time I've seen you blush haha" He coughed after his little joke. All i could do was smile. (He got me. He finally did it. He got me back)

"Work hard and be sure to smile. Afterall, without joy and laughter to balance the sorrow. This world can never hope to have a bright future." 

A/N what anime is this quote from?

"Nishikata, why does this sound like a goodbye? You can't leave me. You just can't"

"I don't plan on leaving anytime soon, I still haven't told you what I want to"

"yes of course" i am super anxious (c'mon Nishikata, please, say it so i don't have to. Maybe its selfish but its so hard. Even if he's staring death in the eyes. I can't do it. why... why can't i do it)

"Takagi I just want to say, you are the most amazing girl I have ever met. Your teasing makes me so happy a can't explain it. A normal person would hate it. But I could never hate you. You are the funniest and always make me laugh. and.. blush.. a little." he looked away "but i don't know how to say this but every time I see you I can't help but feel...Amazing. Remember the time on the camping trip? You fell asleep on my shoulder and it was amazing. I hoped it would last an eternity. And now that i think about it, I wish i could do that every weekend. but despite everything i may say, I think that I really like you..."

" I   really   like   you   too  Nishikata" 

(I really wanted to kiss him but that awful mask was in the way.)

He pulled up the mask revealing his face.

"Now hold on you can't do--" the doctor started. but he backed off when he saw it

We kissed. It was not nearly long enough. he quickly slid the mask back on but i took it off again and kissed him just... one... more.. time... We stayed that way more passionately until he pulled back because he could not breathe. He took some long breaths. It was heaven. 

"I've wanted to do that since the start of our second year. I love you so much please don't forget me. and Don't stop smiling your beautiful smile..."

"I love you Nishikata" I finally spluttered out. "but what are you talking about forgetting you?" Tears resurfaced.

"Goo-d B-ye Ta-ka-gi....."

Beep... Beep... Beep... Beeeeee....


Doctors rushed in. 


"what happened"

"we need water"

"get something...."

"save him............."

A/N ummmm soooo...

sorry I know its only chapter three but uh its my story so whatever. Also the beeps are Nishikata's heartbeats if that wasn't obvious. And the last set of dialogue is fading away as Takagi's mind gets blurry. How will Takagi live her life Without Him? Find out next time.

Don't forget to smile,


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