Chapter 2: Wake up Nishikata

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A/N Thank you to everyone who read my story and commented. I will try and post a new chapter about every other day but i am crazy busy and usually write during class so who knows. Also I do not know a thing about honorifics such a -san and -chan, so im just not gonna do it 

Where we left off: Nishikata is still passed out in the hospital and Takagi falls asleep.

Takagi's POV:

I woke up in a place that was not the hospital. It seemed familiar, I couldn't figure it out. As soon as I saw Kimura and Takao [Nishikata's friends] I recognized the street I was walking down. But something was off. I couldn't find Nishikata anywhere. I touched my face and figured out i was crying. I have no idea why, but i couldn't stop myself. Kimura and Takao noticed and came walking over. Kimura put his hand on my shoulder.

"Takagi, its been 3 weeks" Kimura sighed

"It's tough but you have to move on" Takao chimed in.

"Move on from what?" in sobs but i have no idea why

"c'mon little one wake up... c'mon... wake up....."

I snapped into reality (what just happened!) I was sweating. The doctor in front of me said that Nishikata should awake soon. I checked my phone, it was 3 am. I noticed another woman standing near me. Her eyes were red and puffy obviously from crying but she put on a smile and said, 

"you must be that Takagi girl Nishikata always goes out with."

Now that I see it she looks a lot like Nishikata. 

"Are you his mom?" I inquired

"Yes I am" responded with a hint of pride

"..." (I should really tell her that this is all my fault. She has to know. C'mon Rie)

"you have something on your mind don't you, you know you can tell me"

I ran into her arms crying "I'm So Sorry, I'm So Sorry"

"Its ok...?" unexpected by the hug and apology

"It's all my fault, Nishikata saved me. He pushed me out of the way and got hit by the car! Its all my fault, I was too distracted to hear a car zooming down the street. I'm SO sorry"

"Listen here Takagi, I don't blame you or anyone about what happened here. I refuse to let you blame yourself for the actions of another. Do not blame yourself, I'm begging you."

That was the breaking moment. She started crying as a stood there in shock. (What do I even say? No matter what she says i still fell like its my fault. But I can't let myself feel guilty for the rest of my life. Agh this is so frustrating. JUST WAKE UP PLEASE)

"I won't Mrs. Nishikata"

A/N as i said before im not sure what she would call Nishikata's mother so I'm just gonna say Mrs. Nishikata for now. feel free to let me know how to actually say it.

We hugged for a while waiting for Nishikata. He had wires and tubes attached to his face and stomach. (Its the first time i really looked at Nishikata. I felt perverted knowing he wasn't wearing anything under the blanket so i never really looked at him. There was a bandage on his head where I remember seeing his wound. His chest was wrapped up in bandages. I never took in how awful the crash was. He put his life on the line for me. he risked everything

...for me)

just as I started to get sleepy again I heard a feeble voice 

"Ta-ka-gi? is th-a-t y-ou?..."

I know I said I would be doing it every other day but I can't wait. I have too many good ideas. sorry I forgot an image in the beginning, it should be there now.

Don't forget to smile,

Starco (aka toon_lonk)

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