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"Luke," I attempt to grab the poem from him again. "Julie is not going to like that you went through her dream box. She cherishes that thing more than life itself."

"And you would say that to a ghost," Luke shakes his head. "Tisk tisk Dahl."

"Ugh, would you stop calling me that?" I scramble for the poem again. Theres really no point in trying to outrun a ghost, especially when your athletic abilities are basically none.

"Just go back to your sketchbook and let Reggie and I finish this killer melody," he says, walking back over to the piano.

"Fine," I stomp my foot and go back to the couch. "But when Julie comes in here and sees that you have that, I'll be the one saying I told so as she rips you to shreds."

"She can't touch us," Luke smirks.

I roll my eyes and flop onto the couch. I glare at Luke one more time before I open my sketchbook and get to work on a rose I had started before Luke went through Julie's dream box.

"You know who I'm likin' way before I like them," Luke sings, putting the end of his pen in his mouth. "I know all your secrets, you know all my deep dish yeah I guess some things they never-"

"So, when she says deep dish, is she talking about pizza or?" Reggie cuts him off.

"You're serious?" I stare at him over my notebook. "Wow, you've got a lot to catch up on buddy."

"He died in 1995, okay? Don't be so harsh," Luke defends him.

"Right, I'm sorry Reg," I say. Reggie smiles goofily before Alex poof on top of the piano.

"Hey, where you been?" Reggie asks.

"Oh, I met a new ghost friend," Alex says. "Yeah, he answered so many questions."

"Well, did he tell you if Julie was gonna join our band or not?" Luke growls, pulling his notebook out from under Alex's butt.

"Well, no we didnt get to that part," Alex says.

"Wait, you asked Julie to join your band?" I ask, looking up from my sketchbook. "When did- where was I?"

"You were so caught up in your drawing so we just kinda left you here," Reggie shrugs.

"After she told us her best friend was ignoring her and she didn't accept our invitation to the band, we went through her dream box," Luke says."And that's where we found this incredible song. Maybe if she'll just perform it with us for Flynn, then they'll make up and Julie'll join our band."

"And you did all this without your drummer?" Alex asks rhetorically.

"Drumming is so 90's," Luke rolls his eyes. "We're just gonna stomp our feet now."

"Oh okay," Alex nods, obviously hurt seeing the way that his lips press into a thin line. "You know what else is so 90's? Being rude."

I try to hold back a laugh, but especially fail and a loud snort comes out of my nose. "He got you," I whisper.

Luke walks over to me and kneels by the couch. "Did you just snort, Dahl?"

"Shut up, Ukey," I spit, sticking my tongue out.

"Ukey? That's the best you got?" He teases.

"Well, there's other things that I would call you, but they aren't very family friendly," I spit.

"You never cease to amaze me," Luke says, putting his chin in his hands. "I like you. I hope you stick around."

"You're the ghost," I say. "Aren't I the one who should hope you stick around?"

"Do you?" He asks, raising his eyebrow.

"Wouldn't you like to know guitar boy?" I tease.

"Guitar boy," Luke nods, standing back up. "I can live with that."

"Says the dead guy," I laugh.

Luke puts his hand over his unbeating heart and gives me a hurt expression before walking back to the piano and continuing his work on the song. I shake my head and continue working in my sketchbook.

"Dahlia!" I hear someone shout outside the garage. "Get out here now!"

I close my sketchbook and get off the couch. I quickly walk to the door and step outside.

"Julie? What is going on?" I ask.

"You went through my stuff? What the he-"

"Hey," I cut her off. "I didn't do anything."

"Then why was my dream box emptied on my bed?" She questions.

"I have an idea," I pretend to think. "Why don't you ask the three that can poof wherever they want?"

"Because they're ghosts and the can't touch things. Reggie tried this morning to pick up a picture frame and he couldn't," Julie drops her voice. "So, I want to know what you were doing with my dream box?"

"J, I didnt touch it. I never have and I never will," I say calmly. "I know what that thing means to you."

"Then you'd admit you did it and apologize," she says, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Fine," I take a deep breath. "I was messing with your dream box. I'm sorry."

"I knew it," Julie claps her hands together. "I freaking knew it!"

"Yeah," I sigh, attempting to walk passed her.

"Stop," she says, sticking her arm out. "Why?"

"I was looking for inspiration for my new art project," I lie. "We have to draw something that represents something that makes us feel a certain way. And since I don't have emotions, I decided to borrow yours."

"Lia, are you lying to me?" Julie asks plainly.

"Well you didn't believe the truth anyway so what's the point?" I laugh once. "Bad or weird things can't just happen to you anymore without it being my fault."

"That's not true," she argues.

"Yes it is! Luke goes through your dream box looking for lyrics after you reject his offer to join the band, and it's my fault. You can't bear to go into the studio after Mom dies, and it's my fault," I can feel my voice rising, and try to choke it back down. "You don't sing a note for a year, get yourself kicked out of the music program, and it's still my fault. So I'm just trying to find a time where you havent blamed me."

"I hate you," Julie blinks, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Yeah, well go cry about it," I say, walking around her. "You seem to have gotten really good at that."

"What is wrong with you?!" Julie yells. "You were supposed to be my best friend!"

"And you were supposed to be my sister," I spit, walking up to the house. When I get inside, I close the door lightly behind me and walk upstairs. I step onto mine and Julie's room and shut the door. I put headphones in and let myself drift off.



Hope everybody is having a good day! Soooo glad it's Friday. But I did have an AP Stats test today and it was murder🙄

Until next chapter loves✌


Dear Dahlia // B1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora