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Alex's P.O.V.

I walk down the sidewalk, trying not to pass through any of the solid people around me. The thought of walking through someone still kinda freaks me out, even though I know they won't know it's happening. There were a lot of things about being a ghost that I still haven't gotten used to. Walking through things, poofing to wherever I thought of, not being able to eat, not knowing what happened to my parents after I died. Things that human Alex would have multiple panic attacks about, and things that ghost Alex is going to have a panic attack about. Not that ghosts can even have panic attacks. I don't have a heart and lungs that could feel like they're stopping.

I pass a family taking a picture with Marilyn Monroe and try to get out of the background. It stills feels rude to be in their picture even if they can't see me. When I look up again, I see two men in brown jumpsuits walking toward me.

"Oh god," I put my hands up, ready to get zapped by their ghost trappers. "I'm busted. Oh god." But they pass through me, clueless.

I didn't know that I had gotten hit until I was on the ground, especially since hitting the ground didn't really hurt me anymore. "What the?"

I get off the ground and spin around.

"Oh, you dinged my board," the guy who hit me says, turning his skateboard in his hands.

"I dinged your- Dude you ran me over. You're lucky I didn't-" I fight. "Wait, you ran me over. You're-you're a ghost."

"Yeah, ever since I learn the hard way that-" he pulls his helmet off and beautiful brown hair falls to his shoulders. I can feel my face getting hot as he runs his fingers through it. "Skating in traffic was bad."

I gulp.

"Hey sorry I ran into you," he apologizes. I thought you were a life and I'd just pass right through."

"A lifer?" I ask.

"Yeah, that's what we call people who are living," he says pointing around him. "You're new to this whole ghost thing, aren't you?"

"Yeah, is it that obvious?" I nervously laugh.

"Totally," he says.

"Hey -uh- I'm Willie," Wille says, shaking my hand.

"Alex," I nod.

"So, what brings you to Hollywood, man?" He asks. "You sightseeing? Picture with that Marylin girl?"

"Ha," I laugh somewhere in the back of my throat. "I was actually having a minor afterlife crisis. You know, just trying to clear my head, until you tried to crack it open."

Willie belly laughs and, if I had a heartbeat, it would've skipped. "I did pancake you huh?"

I don't answer.

"Yeah, sorry about that, again," he apologizes. "So minor afterlife crisis?"

"Yeah, I just keep freaking out about everything," I answer. "I mean, shouldn't we be in heaven or something?"

"Who's we?" Willie asks.

"Oh, me and my bandmates," I say. "Yeah, we all died."

"Right. That sucks man. I'm sorry," he says. "Were you guys in like some kind of accident or something?"

"Yeah, you could say that," I feel my voice getting high pitched. "Uh- we ate some bad hot dogs."

"Woah," Willie holds back a laugh. "Weirdly, that is what happened to Motzart."

"Wow, that's actually comforting. Thank you," I smile. When he smiles back at me, I could tell that if ghosts were to blush, I would be tomato red. "Hey, would you mind if I asked you a couple more questions?"

"That's kinda your thing isn't it?" He smiles. He puts his helmet over his head. "I'll answer anything, if you can keep up?" He winks and throws his skateboard down, rolling away from me.

I turn around and start jogging after him. "Hey, wait up."

I know that telling him to wait for me kinda defeated the purpose of me needing to keep up with him, but I couldn't help it. I follow Willie as he skateboards through people. For a moment, I think I lose him, until I see a wall of people taking no notice to the boy floating through them. He's already sitting on a bench, taking his helmet off again by the time I catch up with him.

"You're pretty fast," Willie laughs.

"I don't know why I bothered chasing you down when I could've just poofed ahead of you," I say, sticking my hands in my pockets.

"Ah, you're smart too," he says, patting the spot on the bench next to him. I sit down. "Now, tell me what's on your mind."

"Everything is just so random," I start. "I mean, we're gone for 25 years and then BAM! Julie plays our CD and now we're back."

"It's kinda funny though right? I mean you thought that when you'd die you'd get all these answers," Willie says. "And now you just have more questions."

"Oh, yeah," I roll my eyes. "It's hilarious."

I turn to my right to see a huge dog sitting down next to me. I flinch away, staring at it. "What is-" It pulls its head off and I see a person underneath.

Willie laughs lightly next to me so I turn back to him. The way he nonchalantly slides himself closer to me would make my heart beat take off if I had one.

"So, who's this -um- Julie?" He asks.

"Oh! She's the girl that discovered us," I answer. "Did I mention she can see us? Do you understand my whole freaking out thing?"

"A lifer can see you?" Willie clarifies, obviously shocked.

"Yes, but it gets crazier," I continue. "This morning when we were playing music with her, we became visible to her entire school."

"I've never heard of that happening." The shocked look on Willie's face grows. I cant tell if it makes me more anxious or feel all warm and fuzzy. "Maybe this Julie is connected to your unfinished business."

"Yes, totally," I nod. "If I had any idea what that meant I would 100% agree with you."

"Right, unfinished business," he laughs. "Its why people become ghosts when they die. There's still some goal that they and have to accomplish. And once they complete it they can cross over."

"Okay," I think. "How would we find out what our unfinished business is?"

"I don't know. Some ghosts never do," Willie shrugs. "I mean I still haven't. Then again, I'm not too worried about it because being a ghost let's me do my absolute favorite thing. I can literally skate here, the beach, even Justin Bieber's empty pool without getting busted."

"Wow," I stare at him in awe. More because of the fact that he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth but also because- "who is that?"

Willie laughs. "You seriously have so much to catch up on bro. Alright, I'll cat catch you later Hotdog."

"I really don't like that nickname," I shout after him as he skates away. "That's how I died!"

I lean down to the guy in the dog costume and smile. "He's cute, huh?"



I hope you enjoyed this chapter in Alex's perspective. It was really fun to write and I plan on doing it again, most likely in Luke or Julie's perspective. It was sort of fun to get out of my OC's head and pick at a different character's instead.

Anywho, remember to vote, comment, and share!



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