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-two days before I met them-

The dreams didn't stop. Every night I slept in the garage, which was almost every night, I would see the band over and over again. I finally learned that the first guitarist I had seen was named Bobby and the shaggy haired boy was Luke. In every dream, Luke, Alex, and Reggie did most of the talking while Bobby mostly seemed to observe. I could tell that he wasn't as really the other boys' friend, but rather just a bandmate.

Almost every dream was the same. The band would be waiting on Luke to rehearse or the boys would all just be hanging out. There was one dream that stuck out however. It was already dark and the garage was dark.

-one week before I met them-

I sat up on the couch, looking around in the dark. I couldn't see anything, but I could hear voices outside. I stood up and made my way through the dark to the door. I forced my head up to peek out the window. There were two shadowy figures outside, obviously discussing something. I lowered myself down again and stuck my ear to the door. It was muffled, but I could here their conversation.

"I know that you don't want to go home, but I don't know if you can stay here man. My parents are kinda upset with me enough as it is," one of them said.

"Please, Alex," the other one begged. "I just need somewhere to crash."

"Luke, I want to help, I really do," Alex sighed. "Look, just don't come in the house too much, and please don't listen to the yelling. And no playing after 8 or-"

"Thank you, Alex," I heard Luke say. I looked back out the window and saw Luke pulling Alex into a hug. Alex awkwardly wrapped his arms around Luke, patting his back a few times before letting go.

"Just, promise me you won't touch my drums," Alex joked.

"I promise," Luke laughed. They turned toward me and started walking toward the door. I quickly got down and tried to rush back to the couch. I failed miserably, tripping over a cord on the floor and smashing my face into the ground.

The big door of the garage opened, moonlight pouring into the garage. As the boys walked in, Luke immediately ran over to the couch and threw himself onto it.

"I'll go grab you a blanket," Alex sighed, pointing his thumb over his shoulder. He nodded and walked back toward the door.

"Hey, Alex," Luke called after him.

Alex spun back around, "Yeah, Luke?"

Luke sat up and traced lines over the couch. "Thank you, again. I owe you big time."

Alex smiled smally and nodded once. "I'll be right back."

He walked out of the garage and closed the door behind him. And even though it was dark, I could see Luke quietly crying on the couch, his elbows on his knees, head in his hands. I heard a quiet sob.

Then I woke up with a nose bleed. I wiped my face and quickly ran into the bathroom. Blood rushed out of my nose, dripping into the sink. I quickly reached over to the toilet paper roll, only to find that all of the toilet paper was gone. I groaned and flung open the cabinet under the sink. Empty. I looked stuck my hand under my nose, trying to stop the blood from dripping onto the floor. The sink continued collected little drops of red. I glanced back up in the mirror and jumped backward. My reflection wasn't me. I had shaggy brown hair, big brown eyes, and wide shoulders. I leaned closer to the mirror again and pulled at my face.

Blood started dripping from my nose again. I wiped it away with my finger and looked down at it. When I looked back up, I was me again, with blood covering my upper lip and chin. I also noticed a bruise on my chin. It looked like it was only a few hours old.

Once the bleeding had slowed down enough, I went into the house, holding my hand like a cup under my face. I quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed a paper towel, wetting in and wiping off my mouth and chin.

"What happened to you?" Carlos asked, pouring himself a glass of orange juice.

"I tripped in the garage," I lied. I didnt know what had actually happened, but that seemed like the right answer.

"You're really clumsy, aren't you?" He teased.

"Very funny, Carlos," I laughed, reaching out to ruffle his hair.

"Woah, that's a lot of blood," A familiar voice said from behind me.

I turned around, my hand still holding one of the bloody paper towels. "Yeah, I tripped."

"On what? A knife?" Julie shook her head. "You better not have bled on anything in the studio."

"Or what? You're gonna fight me? What's new?" I said, throwing the paper towels in the trash. "It's not like you're going to go in there and see if I did or not. You're too scared to even walk in front of the garage anymore."

"I hate you," Julie spit, tears brimming her eyes.

"Grow up," I glared, walking toward the stairs. I went up to our room and closed the door behind me. I quickly checked my reflection before yanking my shirt off. I tossed it with my other dirty laundry and found another shirt. It wasn't long before Julie walked into the room, her hands balled into fists at her sides.

"I wasn't done," she said angrily.

"Oh, I am," I nodded, pushing past her and out the door. I ignored whatever it was that she was trying to yell after me. More time in the garage was exactly what I need. I'd felt like I'd blown up on her enough and I really didn't want to hear whatever stupid insults she was going to try to throw at me.

-two days before I met them-

I pull the garage door open and walked in, flipping on the lights. I looked around before walking over to the loft's ladder. I climbed up, trying not to hit my head. When I got to the top, I saw something that made me jaw drop. Sitting in the corner was a guitar case, but I recognized it. I quickly pulled myself the rest of the way into the loft and sat down. I reached over and ran my hand over the guitar case.

"Luke?" I accidentally said out loud. I quickly looked over the rail of the loft, making sure I was alone. I moved the guitar case closer to me. When I pulled the case, a heard something fall, tapping against the ground. I stopped pulling and moved the case over. I found two drumsticks laying on the floor.



Hey guys!

I present part two of this mess. Hope you like it!

Can't believe I just started this story and it already has this many reads. I expected it to have none tbh.

I really appreciate it.

Thank you sm loves!


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