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Very few things could make Nishikata sweat as much as he did on his way into school that day. His eyes flickered wildly, trying his hardest to avoid bumping into the wrong person. He had to make it to school as soon as it opened, it would be his only chance to complete his goal.

The breeze whistled in his ears as he saw the early spring blossoms gently spin towards the ground, a sight for the many few that bothered to pay any cause to them.  Reaching down, Nishikata plucked a blossom off the pathway; placing it on the grey letter in his hand, he continued on his walk to school. 

On the other side of the town, Akari was also starting her walk to school. Her thoughts were clouded by the lack of sleep she had gotten. It was all because of that stupid magic show. Berating herself was not something she did lightly, but she thought that maybe this time, the lack of sleep was worth it. After all, she had gained some more tools she could use to win her competition with Takagi-San; their agreement to make Nishikata happy. They had decided that whoever managed to get a dance with him at the summer festival's bonfire would be the one who got to be with him.

She had finally made it to the gate of the school and made her way inside. As she walked to deposit her shoes in their respective locker, she saw Nishikata-Kun. Something seemed strange about him. Rose-tinted cheeks and a manic glance around gave him up. Akari realized that he must be nervous about something.  That was when she noticed something that shook her to her core.

Nishikata took one final glance around and, being sure that nobody was around him, proceeded to open the shoe locker that was in front of him and place the letter inside. He sensed a slight movement to his right; he had been spotted. Whatever happened, he could not allow for this to get out. Rushing over to where the noise had come from, he was disheartened to realize that whoever had been there must have rushed off. 

This was a big problem.

A/N: Might be a bit patchy with the updates, sorry!

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