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It was such a sight to see!

The dull hallways were brought to life with colorful balloons and ribbons, completed with dazzling poster and banners. Each classroom had been transform into all sorts of stands and shop, some even had plays.

It was the cultural festival!

Class 2-2(Nishikata and Takagi's class), they had opened a small arcade/café, providing light meals and a variety of mini-games.

"Ohhh~!!!" A wave of loud cheers came from the back of the classroom; it was an arm wrestling game going on, and the host was non other than, you guessed it, Nishikata.

"Another down!" He announced as the crowd cheered once more. "Who's up next?"

"I'll do it." A heavy voice came from behind the crowd as they made way for a third-grader. He looked like one of those brutes in the Hollywood action movies Nishikata loves watching.

"Sure." Nishikata smirked, flooded with confidence. "Please pay the fee over there." 

The third-grader and Nishikata both got ready into position as Nakai, Nishikata's assistance for this game, put his hand on their gripped hands.

"Ready! Set! Go!"

As soon as Nakai said go, the both of them put all their strengths into their arms and pressed their hardest. Well, the third-grader at least, as Nishikata only used about 75% of his strength.

"You are tougher than the others!" Nishikata mocked. Then he used a bit more strength, bringing the challenger down as the crowd burst into whoop once again.

"Alright! It's break time!" Nishikata announced. "Make sure to come back in 10 minutes!"


"Great job back there, Nishikata." A soft voice came from behind as he was drinking water. "You attract a lot of business."

Nishikata turned around and saw Takagi dressed up in a waitress uniform, one hand holding a tray, the other on her hip. She was wearing a clean white shirt completed with a cute black bow on the caller; her brown hair was tied up neatly into a ponytail, adding bit of liveliness and cuteness. As she approached, her black long skirt swayed gently with each step, subtle yet graceful. Thank goodness Nishikata had enough time to get use to this outfit during the rehearsal, or he would've been blushing like crazy

"Well, I did ok, I guess." He replied, all proud of himself. "They just keep on comin'~"

"You had over twelve matches." Takagi said as she put the tray away. "Aren't you tired at all?"

"Nope!" Nishikata laughed out loud, not even bothering to hide his proudness. "It's literally too easy!"

"Still a bit of relaxing would be better." Takagi offered both of her hands. "Do you need a hand message?"

"Eh?" The smug on Nishikata's face was immediately washed off as a intense blush took its place. "No! I'm fine!"

"Hmmm~" She smirked. "Your face is red."

'Takagi-san me!'

"I need to go back now." Nishikata glanced at the large crowd surrounding his station.

"I will cheer for you." Takagi said with a smile.

"T...thanks..." He blushed as he went back to his seat.


"Who's up next!?" Nishikata announced.

The crowd glanced back as a figure emerged among them.

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