Valentine Special

713 14 12


This story is not considered canon in my overall stories.

With that being said...

Happy Valentines~!


A bit to the smaller...

Yeah that's it.

The heat needs to be perfect.

It is always satisfying to see the chocolates melt as the smell of it fills the kitchen.

Ok, time to get the mold ready.

Heart shape, common yet effective.

Pour it in slowly...


And sprinkle a bit of peanut chips on each.

Seal it up, and into the fridge it goes.


I do hope that he'll like it...


Takagi went out of her apartment and made her way to the train station. The sunlight dyed the street bright orange, as the wind gently rustled the leaves, creating a summer-like atmosphere; though it was late winter. Takagi glanced inside her purse, where the handmade chocolate was wrapped neatly in a white box.

'Can't wait to give it to him~

He still hasn't figure it out, has he? The mysterious chocolates that appeared in his locker each year. It's ok, I'm giving this one out in person!'

'Kinda nervous...'

It had been five years since they graduated middle school. All the good memories were starting to flood back to Takagi, especially the ones with him. The careless, innocent times of teasing and games she would never forget; his reactions and expressions to her hidden confession she kept inside her heart. And of course, all his unintentional critical hits she remembered like it was yesterday.

'Can't wait to see him...'

It's not like they seldom see each other. Having the luck to be in the same high school all the to  college, Takagi always had the best seat for teasing him. They went hang out from time to time as well. But it wouldn't take long until you miss him, right?

As she arrived at the station, she saw that Nishikata was already there waiting for her. She grinned as she snuck behind him, then she shove her freezing hands straight into his clothes.

"Ahhhh!" Nishikata jumped. He turned around and saw Takagi with a huge smile on her face. "Takagi!"

"Hahahaha~" Takagi smiled as she let go of him. "Good afternoon, Nishikata. Are you ready?"

"Yeah..." Nishikata replied.

They got on the train and was on their way to Tokyo. It was 6 p.m. The vivid sunlight set the clouds on fire, burning the summits in the distant into majestic silhouettes. It was the same light that painted Takagi's cheek red as her gaze was stolen by the magnificent.

"So excited about the reunion~" She said. "I still couldn't believe Kimura got a job in Tokyo already."

"Yeah." Nishikata agreed. "Straight off of high school as well."

"Haven't seen Sumire in a while." Takagi returned her gaze and smiled. "So excited~" She said as she swung her leg back and forth in midair, like a overly energetic child.

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