Chapter : 22.5

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Ah Venice, the city of love, and our pair was sitting in a boat.

Sumire : (This whole situation is just so absurd.... I'm staying with him in the city of love....) ( she remembered back as to how they got here)

72 hours ago

Mogami : will you come to Venice with me?

Sumire : Venice?! ( Isn't that supposed to be the city of love?!) you're asking me to come with you?

Mogami : well yeah...

Sumire : ( ok Sumire calm down, no need to jump to conclusions, think why would Mogami ask you to come with him out of no where)

Mogami : actually-

Sumire : is there a case in Venice?

Mogami : yeah... Thats right... But did you just read my mind?

Sumire : no.. ( I guess.... I feel sad that I got it right this once...)

Mogami : there is a Museum in Venice called museo correr and one of its paintings "Two Venetian Ladies" was stolen...

Sumire : oh I see, I'll come with you...

Mogami : also... I just decided on a whim...

Sumire : decided what?

Mogami : I think I'll stay in Venice for a few days after the investigation, to... you know relax...

Sumire : oh?

Mogami : well I'd alone relaxed in there....

Sumire : it would get lonely huh...

Mogami : well to put it simply even though you're annoying sometimes... Being with you is certainly more enjoyable than being alone...

Sumire : (she paused) C-can you please repeat that?

Mogami : I'd rather be with you than alone...

Sumire : I remember... you were so antisocial you literally hated being with more than 2 people and only enjoyed being alone...

Mogami : now that you mention it... I still like being alone than being with most people... I guess I've changed a little..

Sumire : ( he doesn't like spending time with most people.... But he likes spending time with a bitch like me of all people.... What the heck....) ( Sumire felt happy though she didn't know exactly why she was happy)

Mogami : that being said if you want to, I can arrange for you to....

Sumire : N-NO!!..

Mogami : ( he jumped back) what?!

Sumire : ....

Mogami : ( he came closer in order to see her expressions)

Sumire : ( her face red was even though she tried to calm down) I'd love to come with you...

Mogami : ( her face was visible clearly to him) ( I don't know what a beautiful face is supposed to look like, but I can't stop looking..) N-nice...

Sumire and Mogami quickly backed off to make some distance between them...

Mogami : (" she's the closest thing I have to a crush"... I said it myself so nonchalantly ... But....) then I guess we have like 2 days to pack our bags...

Sumire : Y-yeah...

Back to present

Sumire : ( she stared at the boy sitting before her)

what are you to me? Part : 2 [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now