Chapter 22 : Walked In

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A few years prior Sumire would have never imagined herself to have fallen for a person like Mogami, but now here she was beside him 

Sumire : ( she really had no idea what to do, she had been awake for a little over 15 minutes and was still comprehending that both of them were so close together)( dear God…) 

Mogami : ( Mogami was sound asleep and completely still)( his hands were curled behind her holding them together)

Sumire : ( Sumire's blush was now more prominent than ever) ( I wonder… what he feels about me….) 

Sumire stayed still and thought back 

Sumire : ( Mogami is afraid of having relationships because he thinks that they are too fragile and that his blatant nature will damage the relationship more than any outside factor) ( she pulled herself closer to him) 

Mogami : ( his face became more peacefully as he felt her snuggled up to him) 

Sumire : ( it was warm, the cold had finally settled in and it was winter and the heavy blankets were warm) ( it feels so weird… Its already been months since I first met him, everyday takes forever but the months just flew by…) 

Sumire let her desires loose for the time, and got him in a tight embrace 

Sumire : ( their foreheads were pressed against each other) ( I wanna know his feelings for me… Does he even have any? Honestly I have no idea) 

Sumire just stayed like that for a while after which she moved away… 

Sumire : ( it's always me blushing isn't it… he never lets anything affect his poker face, it's rare but he does show his emotions sometimes… I've only really seen him blush once…) ( her hands were still on his shoulders) ( I guess… This was how nishikata felt when he realized his feelings…) 

She eventually got up from the bed and was back in the library after brushing her teeth

Sumire : this manor is so huge… we haven't actually seen anything more than the library ( she heard footsteps coming down the stairs) good morning 

Mogami : yeah ( he said a bit cranky) 

Sumire : what's with the mood? 

Mogami : I'm just tired… yesterday's investigation wasn't fun ( I pushed myself way too hard to make sure I didn't have to see her again…) 

Sumire : did you find the culprit? 

Mogami : if you're talking about blackmail then no, if you're talking about the scaphist then I have a narrowed it down to 3 suspects, all are three are missing? 

Sumire : missing? 

Mogami : they ran away to escape conviction most likely... 

Mogami was reached out to the sofa and laid back on it, completely relaxed with his eyes closed 

Sumire : if you're so tired why don't you sleep for some more? 

Mogami : I'm not sleepy… I'm just not happy.… 

Sumire : What happened Mogami? 

Mogami : nothing actually happened, It just happens sometimes, you're just sad over nothing at all, I'm pretty sure it happens to everyone 

Sumire : it happens to me sometimes too… 

Mogami : well for some weird reason, people like to put on a show, " that they are happy all the time and that their life is perfect" 

what are you to me? Part : 2 [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now