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Whistler got away from the computer, he had just finished a very important negotiation, he breathed a sigh of relief and drank some water from the nearby glass… 

Whistler : (he placed the glass back on the table) who the hell was I negotiating against… 38 Million to 17 million… ( the man said in an Australian accent) 

The man Stretched his forearms and looked outside the window, clear sunlight… 

Mr. Whistler was what you may call a criminal, or maybe perpetrator was a good word? Anywho he was the one people came to when they wanted their dirty work done, pulling off fraud, disappearing completely and starting a new life or wanting to pull a hit on someone, all of it could be done by whistler, and he had just pulled of a huge blackmail plan against a powerful official of a government 

Whistler : ( by looks, he was just a normal man in his late 20s and someone you'd pass by at a grocery store every morning, he quickly dialed another call to his anonymous client) 

Amano : is it done? 

Whistler : off shore, hardwired, untraceable 17 million. ( in his business your identity was your biggest achievement along with your gravest weakness, he had always done his job in secrecy, he never knew who his clients were, or why they were hiring him, and as well no one knew the identity of the person who'd carry out their sins) I won't beat around the bush, 4 million 

Amano : I believe we agreed at 3 

Whistler : then I didn't know the stakes 

Amano : 3.25 million 

Whistler : 3.75 

Amano : 3.35

Whistler : 3.70 

Amano : 3.45 

Whistler : 3.65

Amano : 3.5 million final 

Whistler : deal ( he knew that was the maximum he would get for a job like this but the client wasn't paying the maximum so he ensured his worth) I expect payment shortly 

Amano : as soon as I gain access to the money 

Whistler : OK. 

After a few days, his client was in possession of the finances, and he got a text… 

Amano : the deal is complete Mr.Whistler, I may call you again for your services 

Whistler : ( he panicked a bit) ( how the fuck did he get my name?!) why you.. 

Amano didn't reply back after that, the deal was complete all contact from the client was over, he had no way of even knowing who had hired him, he knew his clients wouldn't try to go against him but the chilling feeling he got from thag last text was freaking him out…

Whistler : he knows my name, I have no idea of who he is… If He wants me to do a job I won't have a choice ( he took a deep breath) blackmail… I Just helped him blackmail someone and he's already blackmailing me… ( the guy is way too manipulative…) 

Whistler knew his client wouldn't take any further actions for a long time, he thought to himself

Whistler : ( I need to take a damn break, that Chinese vase theft was caught too so I already have a problem on my hands) (he looked at a pamphlet on his table) maybe I should just go to the Solomon Islands, maybe even with a few escorts.. 

Whistler walked out of the room and showered before coming back to a message from one of his associates 

" we know who is responsible of the failure of Chinese vase theft and the capture of the scaphist, its a young detective named Mogami keiji, more information in the attachment" 

Whistler : Mogami keiji eh?.... ( he sipped on his coffee) guess I'll have to watch out for him… 

what are you to me? Part : 2 [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now