Chapter 4

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Nishikata slowly opened his eyes, he stared at the unfamiliar ceiling, he wondered where he was, then all the memories floated back to him, " Thats right.. Takagi-san's house..." he turned his head to see takagi blissfully asleep having wrapped her blanket around her like a warm cocoon...

Nishikata then glanced at the clock 4:30 am... " I guess it's because of the part time job...... habit of waking up early... I know I won't be able to go back to sleep... And today is Friday no less..."

Nishikata got out of his futon and Stretched his body, it was a cold morning, the light blocked my the curtains, the room was dark, he swift pulled the curtains apart and looked outside, it was a bit before dawn he looked outside, there was a small swing in the balcony...

" I might as well..." he stepped outside as the cold air clashed against his body making him shiver a little, he sat down on the swing... and closed his eyes again, the air was cold, and sunshine was just starting to peak through the horizon..

Nishikata felt oddly at peace, as if for that one moment... He Was pulled away from the storm that was swallowing up his life... " I wonder I'll ever be able to get off these..." he said as he remembered the discretely hidden bottle of pills in his bag, the pills were a lifesaver, they would help him calm down and let him think, he knew he was getting addicted to them but he just couldn't help it..." I guess I'll get to it when I get to it..." he reached into his bag and swallowed a pill...

His eyes closed, he wasn't sleepy or tired but a little relaxation hasn't ever hurt anyone...

" you're up rather early" a girly voice said

" It's become a habit.." he said eyes still closed

" looks like the snow is melting"

" but not enough for us to go to school, I guess no school today"

" a three day weekend... Sounds nice..."

" hmm..." he drifted off back into his head, the pill effect was still strong, as he felt relaxed again...

Takagi walked to where she was beside the swing, " Can I?"

" sure" he said while loosely moving his body and scooting over

She was taken aback a bit by his lack of reaction, but in a few seconds she was seated beside him...

Nishikata lightly moved the swing back and forth, the sunlight began to slowly warm up, birds could be heard chirping, it was as if the city was slowly waking up....

Takagi looked at the boy beside her, " something is off about him... He Seems a bit... Too calm...

Nishikata pulled his arm up so that it wasn't squished between and put his arm behind Takagi careful not to touch her....

Takagi scooted closer, the swing was not exactly big enough for both of them and they could use any space they got... His arm was on the chair behind her head and could tell that his hands were relaxing and sliding down, she felt goosebumps as she felt his arm down to her waist

Nishikata still hadn't touched her, rather it seemed that despite his best efforts he was getting sleepy...

Takagi had gotten out of bed because of ruckus Nishikata cause while opening the balcony and seeing him finally succumbing to sleep, made her yawn too, this movement was enough to push Nishikata, his hand was not now firmly on her waist

" well this definitely wasn't a plan... Nishikata if only you'd notice these small wins" Her face was red and hot, her head slowly tilted as she felt sleepy too and landed on his shoulder...

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