Chapter 3

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This was the second time in 24 hours that he had been inside the room of the girl he liked, and while he knew it was coming the nervousness didn't lessen 

Takagi seemed a bit numbed to all this almost unaffected, was it because she was so close to him for all that time? or maybe something else she didn't know? Whatever the reason was, she was happy she was Calm rather than flustered 

" what a day… It's the second time you've been in here right?" 

" well Yeah…" he grabbed a futon and rolled it , " I'm glad you guys have an extra futon.." " I can sleep on the couch downstairs the only other place I could sleep is on the floor in this room " he stole a glance at his crush who was again in her pink night dress which he remembered from the morning " I don't think I could handle that…." " you have an extra blanket? "

" Yeah I do… " she got off her bed and opened the closet, from bellow she pulled out a few blankets, she showed a blue and a white one " Do you always sleep this early?" she looked at the wall clock " 7 pm"

" No, I've been sleeping early because the job makes me wake up early, I don't sleep this early but I'm just preparing my bed in advance…." 

" which one?" 

Nishikata chose the white one " I'll take this one "

Takagi suddenly had a strange idea in her head" you know one of these two is my favourite blanket, can you guess which one it is? "

Nishikata stopped," how am I supposed to know? "

" we've known each other for 2 and half years now, just try guessing "

" This won't be that difficult I have a 50-50 chance "

" you had a 50-50 chance with the eraser too, but still… " " if you guess correctly I'll do one thing you ask "

" I accept " " but what should I make her do? Sing me a song while jumping on one foot and wearing your clothes inside out?.... Nah…. " nishikata was confident he was gonna win now that he had 2 wins back to back 

Takagi smirked" and if you lose, you'll have to sleep in this room "

It took a second for it to click," screw this game I'm not playing "

" why? "

" I have my reasons "

Takagi looked a bit hurt," To think that sleeping in the same room as me repulsed you so much… You're mean… "

Nishikata scrambled," it's not that I don't want to …." 

" oh so you do want to sleep here "

" and I'm in another trap… " " don't put words into my mouth" 

She got in front of him and held both of the blankets, " which one do you think is the one I like?" 

" the white one is simple and plain, while the blue one has a design" he stared at the floor, " I know how she dresses and observing the room she'd choose the blue one since it's more pretty" " I think I have my answer…." 

He reached out and when he reached the white one, a thought occurred " wait the white one is heavier and warmer,..."  " I'll rethink again…." 

" take your time…" 

" what would she choose...functionality or beauty…. White one is warmer while blue one is pretty…." 

She chuckled as it could be seen, Nishikata's entire thought process was written on his face 

After was seemed like a few eternities Nishikata finally made up his mind," you like the blue one. "

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