Chapter 18 : I'm Sure Now

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Sumire stared at her phone, she had cursed herself for not listening to Mogami and genuinely felt bad for everything she had done, she was miserable and had tried everything from calling him to trying to meet him physically but nothing was working when suddenly she got a notification for a text from Mogami… 

Mogami : look… we need to talk about that… I'm calm now… Just meet me after you leave Suzuki's party 

Sumire : please… forgive me…. 

Mogami :  Meet me after the party, we'll talk then…. 

Sumire : ok…… 

Mogami : also this is a bit irrelevant but could you also bring a box of chocolate bread? 

Sumire : ok ( I'll give him 2 for free for him to forgive me) 

Mogami was a nice person but to see completely snap at her, had scared Sumire, she knew it was her fault nad she had tried to apologise but he didn't even let her do that, she decided she'd face and apologise till she gets forgiven and then she left 

Hamaguchi : this place looks different than the last time I was here 

Houjou : Takagi moved into nishikata's room so we have more space now… Sumire is also gone for 2 months… We Have this place all to ourselves 

Hamaguchi : I guess…. ( the memories of houjou hunting him like a predator before his final collection was burned haunted him) 

Houjou : so? 

Hamaguchi : what? 

Houjou : you just finished an hour of practice go take a shower 

Hamaguchi : yeah ( I was a bit uncomfortable showing here but) 

Hamaguchi entered the bathroom and used the enclosed shower, with steam still all over the room he stepped out of the enclosure with just a towel around his waist 

Hamaguchi : (he could not believe his eyes, houjou was standing in the bathroom covered in a bed sheet) W-what? 

Houjou : ( without saying a word she grabbed his hand and pulled him closer)

Hamaguchi : ( he was lightheaded and was easily pulled) 

He was swiftly pushed onto a bed a little too hard a some pain from the crash set in 

Houjou quickly wrapped the sheets around both of them pulling them closer as she hugged her boyfriend

Hamaguchi : ( though he was disoriented at first he impulsively hugged back) ( wait….. I can't feel anything on her back…..)( he looked down and froze) (holy hell she is naked) A-are you serious?

Houjou : ( she nodded her head while looking away in embarrassment)

Hamaguchi : ( he hesitated for a second then his hand moved down her body) 

Back to Sumire 

She was now at the venue of the Party which was an indoors pool 

Sumire : ( why didn't I just decline… Trying to be nice backfired…. Thinking of Mogami maybe I wasn't even being nice in the first place) 

Sumire entered the place and everyone was already dancing, most were drunk with a foul smell coming from one side of the party 

Sumire : ( jesus fuck this place is disgusting) ( she could see people who were drunk or high or both along with a bunch of needles in glass dishes) 

Sumire looked for a place away from the crowd so she walked through the venue with bars, lights, and collapsed students on each corner, with a huge group just dancing in the middle as speakers bared with loud music 

what are you to me? Part : 2 [Discontinued]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora