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Hearing this, our fellow Nishikata must've got himself into trouble again.

And indeed he have.

"If Takagi-san hadn't tease me in English class..." He groaned as he swept the floor.

"But you started it." A soft voice tingled his neck.

"Ahhh!" Nishikata jumped. He looked behind and saw Takagi leaning forward with a sly smile on her face.

"Hi, Nishikata." She smiled.

"Hi, Takagi-sa..." Nishikata replied unconsciously . "No! Wait! Why are you here!"

"To tease you." Takagi said chuckling.

"Errr..." Of course she is, what other reasons were there...

"You are just too easy to beat!" Takagi sighed. "There IS a easy way for you to win. Do you want to hear it?"

Even knowing deep down that it was a trap, Nishikata's curiously still got the better of him. "What is it?" 

Takagi's smirk immediately made Nishikata regret his decision. "Hug me. Easy enough right?"

"Eh? NO! That's not easy at all!" Nishikata cried out blushing.

"Ahhahaha" Takagi laughed. "Your over reacted, Nishikata!"

'Darn you, Takagi-san!'


"Eh?" A loud rustle interrupted Nishikata's thought. He looked outside the window and discovered that the sun was covered completely in gray clouds; Heavy raindrops pummeled the streets like bullets; intense wind struck each tree with no remorse. 'Violent' seemed like the only fitting word to describe this storm.

"Ah! The typhoon!" Nishikata remembered the news he saw this morning. "But isn't it suppose to go down to Taiwan?" He secretly made a note to not trust the weather report again.

"Eh~? That's not good." Takagi said. "You brought an umbrella, right?"

"I did." Nishikata replied. "But I don't think the umbrellas will help so much since the wind is so fierce.."

"Let's finish this and go home before it gets even fiercer." Takagi suggested. "I'll help."


"It's so strong..." Takagi commented as they both stood at the front door. Nishikata glanced at her; Takagi's hair and clothes wavered in the wind, making her looked all the more fragile. He could felt his heart being stung by an unknown ache.

'This again...' He thought.

With no other way, they began their tough way home against the wind. Takagi's umbrella flapped intensely, as she herself needed both hands to barely sustain it. Nishikata was walking right behind her. He needed only one hand on his umbrella, thanks to his push-ups each day. Takagi's clothes were mostly wet despite the umbrella trying its best to shield her from the rain.

"Come on, Nishikata!" Takagi Voice was hardly noticeable in the howl. 'We are almost there!"

"..." Nishikata didn't reply. His mind was pulled away, as all he could thought about were...

'Her arms looks tired, should I help her with it? She is also soaking wet! Ahhhhh! Her clothes are see-through! Maybe I should give her my jacket? What if she catches a cold! She looks like she's having difficulty walking as well, the wind is too strong! Maybe I should support her a bit?'

...Yet what was stopping him from doing any of it again?

'But it's too embarrassing!' All of the voices said at once.

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