6. Final Exams

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Happy new year to everyone! May we have a wonderful year.

Thanks FoxHenry for following me.

*1 month later*

3rd person POV

A hooded man was running across the road on a footpath. His hood was covering his full face. It was dawn, with the sun rising over the horizon. Suddenly, he took a turn to a dark alley. He was still running, not even looking around. The alley was dark and filthy, with garbage lying here and there. Several cats ware sleeping there, who opened their eyes when they heard the sound of footsteps and some purred. The man kept running, until he arrived to a house marked 6. He knocked three times in there. Someone unlocked the door and peeked from inside and said, "What do you want?"

"Rota sent me to take the CD"

The man peeked from the door and checked if he was accompanied by someone. Then he got inside to take the CD. He handed it over to the hooded man. Then, the hooded man handed him an envelope and said, "Here is your ticket and some money. Leave this place as soon as possible."

The man stuffed the CD inside his jacked and jogged back from where he came. As the man turned around the corner, a blast was heard from a distance. The hood covered almost all of his face, but his lips were visible. Hearing the blast, he smiled wickedly and continued his jog.

Nishikata's POV

I was walking towards the intersection, thinking about all the concepts and formulas I have learnt till now. It was day of the last exam of the finals, and it was science. Although I had revised many times, getting teased while studying biology, yet, brushing it up won't hurt.

Soon, I arrived at the intersection, where Takagi was waiting for me. When she saw me, she raised a hand and said, "Hey, Yuki!"

"Hi, Takagi!"

When I went near her, she grabbed my hand and started walking towards the school. She enthusiastically said while walking, "So, have you prepared for the exams well?"

I nodded my head yes and said, "At least that what I think... I hope you thought me the right things..."

"What if I didn't...?"

I smiled and said, "Nah, I know you cannot do it."

"Hmmm, are you sure?" she smiled teasingly.

Now I was a bit scared. A tear dropped down my forehead as I said, "Yeah...I guess"


"Wait...no....this cannot happen..."

"It can happen... Yuki, what will happen when you get the question paper?"

I was genuinely scared now. This was my final exams, and I do not want to mess it up. I gulped and looked in front of me. I saw Kimura and Takao at a distance. I left the hand of Takagi and ran to him. I screamed, "KIMURA! WAIT!"

He turned and started at me with a questioning look. When I reached him, I was panting as I said, "Kimura....pleas...save...me"

"Whoa, chill a bit man. What's the hurry about?"

"Please...tell...me...that...today...is science exam."

"Umm...yes, as far as I remember, but why?"

"What is...the syllabus?"

"That's a typical back bencher question, asking the syllabus on the day of exam. Well, I was about to ask you the same question in school."

"Wait, you do not know? Then...whom should I ask now?"

"What are you doing here?" said I voice from behind. I turned around to find Bortika standing beside Takagi. I said, "Bortika, what is the syllabus for today's exams?"

Hold on, this is a typical back bencher question, why are you asking this?"


"Whoa ok telling you..." She told me the syllabus, and luckily, it was the same as what I had studied. I sighed in relief as Takagi burst out laughing while Bortika laughed covering her mouth. I blushed a little and said, "What am I supposed to do? She was speaking like she taught me the wrong thing again."

Behind me, Kimura said, "Can anyone tell me what is happening?"

I turned around and put my hands around Kimura and Takao, taking them towards the school and said, "You don't need to over think, after all, you have to finish the whole syllabus before the exams."

*After the exams*

I was walking with Takagi towards home. Takagi said, "So, how did the exam go?"

"I must say, it was good. At least, questions came from where I had studied."

"I got you big time back then." She laughed lightly.

"Huh, you got me because you did teach me wrong things once."

"Well, practically, I did not teach you wrong things, only it was for the next standard."

"Ya, ya"

"Oh, I almost forgot, come to my house once. My father wants to talk to you. After his return, you two never got to talk that much."

I hesitated and said, "Umm...is it something serious?"

"Chill, he not the serious and angry father. He will not make you feel awkward."

"Yeah...I guess. It's been a while since his return."

"He has become busier since then. He has applied to some jobs. But, he is being interviewed by many news channels. He even has an interview with NDTV coming week."

"Wow! You are famous!"

"Yeah, but he cannot give me that much time. So, he took a leave from all his work for today and tomorrow."

"Yeah, I will surely come today."

"Thanks Yuki!"

We soon arrived at the intersection. We were standing in front of our alleys when Takagi said, "See you soon, Yuki."

"Yeah, see you soon. Bye for now."

I was heading towards my home when Takagi coughed and said, "You are forgetting something."

I said, "O that..."

I closed in and out lips met. It was supposed to be an innocent kiss, but it turned out to be a make out session. When we separated, she said, "Dress well when you come, and brush your teeth. Your mouth smells like onions"

I blushed and said, "Yeah...I took extra onions because I like them."

"Bye...Yuki." she smiled. I smiled back and said, "Bye." We headed back to our homes.

A short Chapter since I am a bit lazy. Something is cooking up in my mind but i'm still not sure how this will end.

Thanks for 740+ views!!

Till Then


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