5. Memories

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Thanks Jstnsd for following me.

(A/N These are some oneshots that is flashing through the mind of Takagi when she saw her father. Each starline represents flash of white light like they do in movies. also play the song i have attached. it gives a good feel. however, stop it when you reach Takagi's POV.)

3rd person POV

"Takagi... What will you do if I suddenly vanish?" said Takagi's father. He was much younger at this point of time. His eyes were watery and he was grasping a newspaper firmly. He was sitting in a sofa and below his, there was a small girl playing with her toys.

When her father said this, Takagi turned to her father and said in a childish tone, "I know you will never leave me. So, I don't need to worry about it."

Saying this, she hugged the legs of her father. Her father smiled and picked his daughter up, with tears in his eyes.


Takagi was playing in the park while her father was sitting in a nearby bench. Suddenly, Takagi came to her father and said, "Daddy... where are those two going holding hands? Is that boy the father of that girl?"

She pointed to a nearby couple who were smiling at each other and holding hands while walking.

He laughed lightly and said, "You are so stupid Rie, am I and your mommy father and daughter?" He laughed hard as he covered his mouth.

Small Takagi pouted and said, "But you do not hold hands while walking with mother, rather you hold hands with me."

"Have you ever seen us walking without you?"


"That's because you became my princess after you came."

"So, if I go to them, they will stop holding hands and hold my hands?"

"No, that's not it... you can be only my princess."

"That's partiality!"

He laughed lightly and said, "That's how it works. But, you know, someday, a prince will come to take you and make you his princess. And this man will be left alone, holding on to the memories of you."

She hugged him tightly and said, "I will never leave you!"

He laughed lightly and said, "We will see."


Takagi's father was reading newspaper when Small Takagi came running to him, eagerly wanting to ask something. She struggled to climb the bed and when she succeeded, she cuddled with him and said, "Dad, what does 'falling in love' mean?"

His dad closed the newspaper and said, "Where are you getting these from?"

She pouted and said, "Mom is watching something in TV"

He sighed and said, "Well, it's a kind of feeling. It's like feeling strangely attracted towards a person and...Um...not being to imagine a life without that person. That's what falling in love means, kind of."

"But I cannot imagine a life without you... does that mean I am in love with you?"

He gently rubbed her forehead and said, "Maybe, but you are the first love of my life..."

Teased TogetherOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora