EXTRA SCENE : Whispers

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Amano : ……Where am I… ( he looked around….) ( I recognise.. This… Place… ) 

A little child lay down on the floor staring at the figures in front of him.. He wasn't able to comprehend the situation he was facing

Child : ( he just kept looking on and on as a Christmas carol played on the radio) mom … Can I open the presents now? 

The child waddled to his parents

Child : Mom? ( he looked up at his mother whose face was frozen) 

There were bloodstains on the finger tips of his mother's hand… 

The child kept nagging his parents and asking for his presents but to his dismay his parents couldn't answer… 

Child : ( he stared into the empty eyes of his mother) Mom? What's that around your neck? 

The bloodstained rope was wrapped around the necks of both of his parents… 

Child : Moooooom! When can I open the presents? 

Everything suddenly went black and there were only sounds… Wispers… Crying… Sobbing… 

Woman : I'm sorry kiddo… But you're gonna live with your uncle and aunt from now on… 

Child : but what about mom and dad, I wanna see mom!! ( the child cried) they're putting them underground!! 

Woman : ( she hugged the child) don't cry… They're in a better place now…. 

And then came a man and woman who took the child the screamed in agony as the caskets containing his parents slowly sunk deeper into the earth… 

Amano : ( he jerked out of his sleep…..) What in the actual fuck…. What's with these nightmares… ( the people being burried…. They looked like mom and Dad… No...grandpa told me…. they died in a car accident along with my uncle and aunt…. These are just pointless nightmares) 

Amano took a hot shower even though it was 5 in the morning… 

Amano : ( he still felt goosebumps) ( it felt so...real… I… I don't have time to think about these stupid dreams…. More importantly… What am I even supposed to do with the video… I could blackmail Izumi…) 

Amano decided since he was up anyway he'd take a long drive in the morning.. The school had shut down for the time being because of the festival the previous night… 

Amano : ( he got on his motorcycle) ( I just need to clear my head…) 

The motorcycle started with a roar and amano rode away 

what are you to me? Part : 2 [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now