Quotev 500 hearts special - His Greatest Rival

169 11 1

A/N: _(:3」∠)_ Whoops this was stuck in the drafts... 

Last year was a bad year for many and I hope things get better this year.

And tell me anyone or thing you want for the Wattpad 500 votes special!

Never in his wildest dreams would he have thought that a day like this would come. Veins pulsed at the side of his head when this entered his eyes:

Under a tree with pretty pink blossoms. A hand on her bulging cheek, the petite girl has a besotted expression. The stocky boy in front of her tries hard to keep the anticipation out of his face, but it shines in his eyes.

Anyone can taste the sugar in the air.

... Or not?

"Satou-kun! No, master baker! Forget being a hero, OPEN A BAKERY!!! I'll be your biggest customer. This heavenly ratio of lemon, egg and butter, ... AHH, it's too much for me!"

Satou Rikidou rubs the bottom of his round nose proudly, "It's my family recipe. Treat the cake as thanks for taste testing."

"How could I! Shut up and take my money!!"

Just out of their sight, Katsuki's mouth twitches, "Fucking moron. Going all gaga over a stupid cylinder..."

Although he's not exactly announcing his presence, he's not hiding either. They just don't notice him because they're in their own world.


A frequent chef he is not, but Katsuki can navigate a kitchen without a hitch. Whipping up a mean spicy cod roe pasta or a couple of Jalapeño poppers is no skin off his back. So why didn't those compliments come to him? Well, Katsuki's not about to let this stand.

The following day, she dragged herself to his house due to a most lovely morning call: "I'll give you 5. My place. Be here or be dead." And she's not about to forget the icing on the cake; the loud slam of the phone when he's done saying his piece. It has her ears ringing for a good while. The obvious course of action was to ignore the bugger and go back to sleep, which she did, but he came dragging her off in her pyjamas. Talk about rude!

At least there's a pleasant surprise when she gets there. Sitting on the table in its birthday suit is the cake Katsuki chose to bake after mulling over recipes. If you're gonna go for impactful, you've gotta choose the extreme.

Solid chunks of a chocolate bar. Custard-like chocolate pudding. Dark chocolate chips. Chocolate whipped cream. Her fingers fidget and her mouth salivates.

Katsuki eyes her changes smugly. And like a king commanding his subject, he says, "Eat."

Normally she'd have snapped back at him by now, but her soul was lost. The dark and luscious beauty is beckoning her to fall into sin.

Death By Chocolate!

One spoonful. One more. And another. Yes, it would be a happy death.

Indulging in the carnal pleasures, she fails to notice the smattering of chocolate at Katsuki's lip, the dark rings around his eyes and the straight-edged spikes of his hair slumping. She fails to notice that this seductress is an anomaly in the Bakugou household, of which residents aren't big on desserts.

"I know it's good but you don't have to gorge. Best you ever had, yeah?"

"Hmmmnnnnn..." she mumbles between bites, "tough choice... Where did you buy this anyway? Oh. Hold up! What's the occasion? Did you lace this with laxatives??"

Sooner will a blue moon come than Kakkun treat me well.

"Which dumbass gives someone laxatives at their house?" Katsuki's fingers drum loudly on the table. "So? Spill it!"

She puts the fork down, savouring the taste in her mouth before speaking, pensive and machine gun quick: "It's good but I wouldn't say the best. The chocolate pudding had a weird texture. Too much starch? It needs the delicate touch of Satou-kun's genoise and those melty chocolate layers..."

"You're awfully familiar with Big Lips."

"Tough not to be; we've been experimenting over the weekends and overnights."

"Over... the..."

If the chair had been made of a weaker material, it will splinter with how hard Katsuki is holding it.

"?" Katsuki can be quite irascible so she's learned to deal with his mood swings... by ignoring them. She's only got eyes for the cake anyways! Unfortunately, that just aggravates him more.

"You like cake so much? Have it all, shitty dwarf!"

"MMMPHFF" She barely shut her eyes when the mushy chocolate cakes her face.

She blows her nose ungraciously to get the mousse out. "This is more like it. Kakkun treating me to cake? I thought the world was ending!"

Any pang of half-guilt Katsuki felt retracts into the void. "EXCUSE YOU!?"

"Why, am I wrong? Who drags someone off at dawn to shove their face into cake!" She tosses a handful of cake, which Katsuki dodges.

"Screw this, you're dead meat!"

"... kID,S WHat aRE YOu dOIng..."

"Eep! Katsuki's mum!"

Katsuki tsked. He's not gonna like what's coming.



Satou Rikidou: Why is Bakugou glaring at me so much these days?

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