Chapter 12 : Festival

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It was the day of the school festival and most of the students were already at campus but not Mogami, so Nishikata called him 

Nishikata : hey man, so are you coming for the festival? 

Mogami : what school festival? 

Nishikata : well theres a school today evening ( there are so many posters on the walls but since he can't see properly he has no idea) 

Mogami : just go without me… 

Nishikata : why?! It will be fun! 

Sumire : wait lemme talk for a sec ( he handed her his phone) what do you mean go without you?! 

Mogami : stop acting like a headless chicken takagawa 

Sumire : you know no one will umm… Mess with you as long as you stay with us… 

Mogami : it's not that...I have other problems…

Sumire : What problems? 

Mogami : well it's evening… I'll be fine at the start of the festival but I'll be completely blind midway through… I'll need support to just walk… plus add crowds to that… It's not exactly ideal… If I take support from Nishikata or takagi I'll just be a third wheel for the couple ( they already have to deal with Izumi as it is..) 

Sumire : ( he didn't even consider me as an option….. That hurts a bit…. Wait, why am I this hurt…) oh… well I can support you if you want 

Mogami : you? Well yeah… I guess… I doubt you'll be able to stand being with me for that long though… I'm not exactly the best person to hang out with… 

Sumire : so you're coming 

Mogami : ( he sighed) ( I don't want to make my only friends dissappointed..) fine… I'll be there…. ( he hanged up) 

Mogami got away from the case files and called his driver to take him to the festival.. 

The festival was held on the campus and the mountain and shrine behind the school 

Mogami : well here I am… 

Nishikata : don't be so glum we'll have some fun… 

Mogami : yeah.. yeah.. 

Takagi : ( she was already locking hands with nishikata) so should we play some games first or food stalls first….

Mogami : I say food stalls maybe something sweet 

Sumire : I'd say games first 

Mogami : ( I can't really play most of the games) I'll take spicy too… 

Nishikata : I think we should eat first cause why not? 

Takagi : fine with me 

Sumire : ok but what dish? So many things to choose from 

Takagi : we should eat something spicy before sweet so… 

Nishikata : I'll take some meat bowls.. 

Mogami : we could do with ramen or takoyaki too… 

Takagi : ( she smiled as the memory of nishikata feeding her came back) I say we can eat takoyaki later.. ( she whispered into his ear) maybe alone.. 

Nishikata : maybe some ice-creams too… 

Takagi : (she chuckled) no but really what should we eat? 

Mogami : I say some good old noodles...also what's funny about ice-creams and takoyaki? 

Takagi : uh… Um… Yuki you handle this one

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