Chapter 10 : So Close Yet So Far

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Takagi was calling Sumire while cooking breakfast for nishikata 

Sumire : so you two finally decided to stop the excuses and live together, I better get a niece or nephew soon 

Takagi : Sumire do you always have to do that 

Sumire : of course I have to 

Takagi : so what going on with your *AHEM* Homework? 

Sumire : shut up Rie 

Takagi : I was just joking 

Sumire : well I need to go there again today 

Takagi : hmm? 

Sumire : his mansion is way too far from our apartment so I either had to stay there for the night again or I could come back early…. 

Takagi : you could've just stayed there I mean we did all stay over for night in his house 

Sumire : I had my reasons… ( she didn't wanna stay too close to Mogami after her intense blush at the restaurant) what did you call me for 

Takagi : I need some money… 

Sumire : did you have a fight with the dork or something? 

Takagi : no why do you ask? 

Sumire : nishikata has all the money you could ever need and you're asking me? 

Takagi : well you see I need to get him a gift for his birthday…

Sumire : and you can't have him pay for his own gift, I'm broke as fuck so you asked the wrong person 

Takagi : so yeah… 

Sumire : why don't you ask houjou? 

Takagi : she doesn't have any ideas 

Sumire : how much do you need? 

Takagi : (she told the Amount) well? 

Sumire : well you see the takagawa bakery negotiated a deal with the school to provide chocolate filled donuts to the school.. If you come to help us part time for a few days then maybe uncle can pay you 

Takagi : didn't your dad own the bakery back home? 

Sumire : my uncle owns a branch of the takagawa bakery in Tokyo but….. 

Takagi : but? 

Sumire : well… The last time he tried to raise money for you it didn't go so well did it… 

Takagi : don't remind me for that 

Sumire : we want to avoid any possible misunderstandings so tell him that your gonna raise money just don't tell him what you're getting him and we should fine, that's a condition ( I really felt bad for both of them the last time… Don't wanna feel bad again…) 

Takagi : understood… 

Nishikata also woke after a few minutes 

Nishikata : good morning… 

Takagi : good morning yuki, the breakfast is almost done… 

Nishikata : what? 

Takagi : I'll just get them on the table, you can brush your Teeth… 

Nishikata : ( he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and by the time he came the food was already served) god I'm gonna enjoy this ( he said as he picked up his plate) 

Takagi : so how does it taste? 

Nishikata : I love it… your hands literally have magic 

Takagi : ( blush) your so sweet ( he has become a lot more direct with the compliments since he returned and I love it) 

what are you to me? Part : 2 [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now