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Two people were tied onto on a chair one man and one woman… 

Man : you monster let us out of here!!! 

Woman : please…. You've locked us in here for 3 days… 

In front of them stood a little kid just over 5 years old… 

Child : ( he just sat there wondering what he should do whilst eating some pizza he had order from the wallet of the tied up man) ( his body was covered in injuries and his clothes were tattered) 

Woman : ( he hadn't given them a single thing to eat while they were tied up for 3 days) please… We're sorry for hitting you, we'll never do it again.. 

Child : I don't trust you uncle and aunt… ( he pulled out a piece of duct tape and and taped both of their mouths shut) 

The adults squirmed helplessly in front of this child 

Child : you're too loud… I just wanna eat my pizza ( he winced in pain from the injuries all over his body) 

Man : (he tried to shout and tear open the tape and ropes) 

The child stood up and pulled the tape off his mouth and the man shouted in rage and pain 

Child : ( as the man was still wincing in pain the child grabbed an Iron nail from the ground with a stone) 

Man : listen here you little- ( he stoped as he felt something on his forehead…) 

Child : I told you to be quite didn't I? ( pointed the nail at his forehead) 

Man : ( sweating profusely) look I'll get you all the toys you want ok just let us out of here ( just let me out of these ropes and I beat you up so bad you won't even attempt to talk back again) 

Child :..... Liar ( he lift the stone with his hand) I saw a carpenter in the kindergarten book yesterday… Wonder what will happen if this nail goes in your head 

Man : ( he panicked) NO!!! PLEASE!!

Child : too late ( he position the nail on the man's forehead and prepare to use the rock as a hammer) 

Man : NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! 


Amano shook awake in his bed in cold sweat

Amano : what in the holiest of fucks…. ( what was that nightmare…. So Realistic….)

Amano looked at himself, he was sweating just like the man in the dream… 

Amano : ( was that kid….. No…) ( he got up to his bathroom and washed his face so as to not think about the dream to much..) that's right the school festival is coming I need to discuss with the rest of the student council..

Amano quickly got dressed and got on his motorcycle, and left for totomi high… 

what are you to me? Part : 2 [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now