
Chapter 31 of Devil's Playground is now posted!


Hi, this is Lara The Fangirl! I also have a Wattpad account. Welcome back! I know, I know, it has been ages since the last time I wrote a review for 'Devil's Playground'. These past few months have been busy. But trust me, I'll be back soon. I just wanted to let you know I'm here and I'm excited to see you on both platforms :)


@twofacedharveydent I’m so happy your work is on this platform, Wattpad can bring just as much as a big audience as it could on FanFiction. Now with you being active on here, I can bounce back and forth between commenting/reviewing. So it looks like you’ll be getting smaller reviews on FanFic now lol.


@Virgo_Dreamer HEY!!! It's good to hear from you again and nice  to see you on this platform too! Don't worry about it! I totally get things being busy and I had fallen way behind on updating - or writing in general, but am really trying to get back into the swing of things and thought Id might as well get things posted on here too. Lol ^__^