
:: ah cb ,,


Can I help you, or is there something on my face? 


* they followed with a soft smile on plump lips , hips swaying with sharp red finger nails tapping for a moment , salt & pepper long hair behind slightly sharpened ears  *  why thank you love , i appreciate that . what is your name ? 


@tepesblood    Lambrusco , let me get you a glass then . 


i'd absolutely love a drink , what kind of wine do you have little lamb ? 


::  emilian tepes child of dracula  /  vlad tepes , ( THEY / THEM PRONOUNS )     cb & specify after reading please , 
                                Born directly from the blood & seed of Dracula or Vlad Tepes himself . Raised to be the head of the vampire house Tepes . Raised to be royalty with customs & rules regarding everything in or about life . Without a normal childhood & bred to take their fathers place upon the seat in the house in turn perfectly . Vlad raising his child under his wing but not in the best light , they had all of his worst personality traits. Cruel , cold , vindictive,  emotionless , tempered . Some say they were cut from the same cloth as Vlad . Placed onto the seat when Vlad Tepes finally disappeared from the house without a trace. Emilian being placed as head of the house officially with many rumors among the vampire community about emilian , Vlad's only child . Yet they turned just as ruthless with a reputation to redecorate their floors in blood if need be . With blood red eyes & a gender one could only guess they might just rule the vampiric world like their father did . 


  /  t his sounds very interesting !   hostile or curious or grossed out please


[[i literally love this character so much 