
|   i  made  a  book  for  charles.ᐟ  go  check  it  out  and  claim  your  spot  <33


 ⠀ [ edena had made remarkable progress with her abilities, learning to control them instead of fearing them. with that knowledge now, she found out she could do so much more than what she thought she could. even so, she could not have done this without charles— that fact alone brought her here, standing outside of his office doors late at night, her knuckles tapping against the wooden door while her voice called out his name. ]


                            please,  if  i  ever  did  shoo  you  away  you'd  be  the  first  i  ever  did.  [  he  responded  continuing  to  neatly  compile  all  of  the  papers,  he  was  very  particular  about  how  he  liked  to  keep  things  and  if  they  were  out  of  place  and  not  where  he  expected  them  to  be  it  would  bother  him.  especially  when  it  came  to  his  office  as  he  spent  an  excessive  about  of  time  here.  people  grew  apart  over  time  it  was  a  natural  thing  and  he'd  learned  that  the  hard  way.  but  the  idea  of  not  sharing  moments  with  her  like  this  one  was  something  he  never  wanted  to  think  about. ]
                  [  his  gaze  remained  on  her  but  more  out  of  the  corner  of  his  vision   now  as  she  made  herself  comfortable.  finally  with  everything  organized  he  glanced  back  to  ensure  he  was  clear  before  he  carefully  backed  up  from  behind  his  desk  wheeling  over  to  be  closer to  her.  ]  i have  a  funny  feeling  we're  going  to  last,  edena.  i  couldn't  imagine  a   life  without  you  in  it.  ⟨  at  the  mention  of  the  comfort  of  the  couch  he  studied it.  ⟩   that  couch  is  quite  old  actually,  but  it's  withstood  the  test  of  time.  they  simply  don't  make  things  like  they  used  to  anymore.  


 ⠀ ⠀ [ charles was the first person she’d ever really let in almost entirely and that was scary at first, but she slowly warmed up to the idea of having someone there for her— of having an actual FRIEND. she hadn’t regretted it so far, nor did she think she ever would. if they had a falling out, they’d have a falling out. but she would enjoy their time together for as long as it lasted, cherish him while she had him. ]
             ⠀ ⠀ just because you have yet to shoo me away doesn’t mean that you won’t. someday, you might get tired of me bothering you so late and sleeping on your couch.    [ she grinned, shimmying into the couch a little more before pulling down the blanket he’d so neatly draped on the back. oh, it was so warm. ]    well, i think that means you’re growing comfortable in our friendship. often times, at least from friendships i’ve observed, the ones who aren’t try to fill the silence. the ones that last though, they can spend hours together without talking and they’re as strong as ever.    [ she turned her head to look at him, a silly grin tugging at her lips. ]    oh, i am incredibly comfortable. tell me how your couch is more comfy than my bed? i think that’s criminal.


                           [  charles  was  somewhat  of  a  social  butterfly,  he  had  to  be  especially  with  how  much  of  his  job  consisted  of  simply  holding  conversation  and  smoothing  over  even  the  worst  of  situations  while  still  keeping  his  cool.  just  because  someone  seemed  okay  doesn't  mean  they  really  are.  deep  down  he  struggled  in  ways  he  couldn't  explain.  but  especially  with  the  thought  of  being  left  behind,  being  alone.  edena was  easily  his  closest  friend  and  that  was  no  secret,  they  had  gotten  closer  and  closer  and  that  scared  charles  a  little  bit.  ]
                   oh,  why  wouldn't  i  say  that.ᐣ  i  have  yet  to  shoo  you  away.  [  on  his  desk  several  papers  were  scattered  along  it  before  he  began  to  collect  them,  tapping  them  against  the  surface  to  neatly  line  them  up  before  he  slid  a  paperclip  over  the  corner.  ]    that's  typically  how  it  is,  silence  around  you  is  just  as  comfortable. [  he  replied  as  he  looked  over  his  shoulder  at  her  in  her  new  location  as  he  smiled  softly.  ]   speaking  of  comfortable,  are  /  you  /  comfortable  now.ᐣ  you  were  wiggling  all  over  a  moment  ago.  


     you’ve  certainly  been  busy,  haven’t  you  ?


@tantalizingtelepathy ྄ᤲ᤺
             (    this    again,    she    couldn’t    help    but    roll    her    eyes    at    this. it    wasn’t    like    charles    could    ever    understand    what    it    was    like. he    could    parade    around    passing    as    a    normal    person. . . raven    wished    she    knew    what    that    could’ve    been    like. her    eyes    shot    up    to    look    at    him    directly. )            erik    /was/    right    about    humans. you    just    don’t    want    to    believe    it. you    know    exactly    why    i    left,    don’t    act    like    that    was    some    big    surprise. (    a    rather    exaggerated    exhale    was    pushed    from    her    lips. as    nice    as    it    would’ve    been    to    keep    up    the    sister    act,    that    couldn’t    divulge    from    the    truth. they    needed    to    talk    about    this. )        it’s    not    beautiful    and    you    know    it. it’s    too    late    for    that    anyway. not    everyone    can    be    fixed. he    /will/    not    stop,    especially    who    has    with    him. (    that    last    line    was    muttered    almost. in    a    way,    she’d    been    replaced. cast    out    while    some    new    toy    stood    in    her    place. the    thought    of    it    left    a    sour    taste    in    her    mouth. )        she’ll    find    out    eventually,    given    her    occupation. . . -    be    careful,    charles. 


                           do  i   believe   that.ᐣ   [   he   laughed   but   not   in   a   way   that   suggested   the   conversation  was  amusing.  ]   you   can't   even   look   me   in   the   eyes   and  tell   me    that   raven.    need   i   remind    you   who   left    who,   you   left   me..   you   went   with   erik   who   you   hardly   even   knew   over   me.  [   charles   exhaled  and   he   leaned   back   again.  ]   i  don't   want you   to   cover   up,   i   don't   want   you  to   have   to    hide.  all   mutations   are   beautiful  especially   yours.   [   at  the   mention   of   what   had   occured   between   erik   and   him   he   tensed   up,   shaking   his   head.   ]   no.  she  doesn't   know   and   id   like   to   keep   it   that   way.   that   was  ..   a   mistake  i  should've   never—   [   he   trailed   off   before   he  slightly   hung   his   head,   wrapping   his   arms   around    himself  for   a  moment.  ]   raven,   i   have   faith   in   this   world.  we   can   find   erik   and   we   can   stop  him.  innocent  people   have   no   reason  to  die   in   his   hands.   but   i   fear   he   won't   stop   until    he    himself  is  dead  or   locked   up   where   he   truly   cannot   escape.  he ..  cannot   be   fixed.   ive   tried  my   very   best   with   him.


@tantalizingtelepathy ྄ᤲ᤺
            oh  please,  i  was  never  his  accomplice. (  the  notion  of  that  made  raven  scoff  at  charles. )  you  really  believe  that  ?  all  you  wanted  me  to  do  was  “cover  up.”    (. . . )  does  she  know  what  happened  between  you  two  ?  probably  not,  you  can’t  even  keep  your  own  kitchen  clean. but,  here  you  are  trying  to  clean  others. as  long  as  erik  is  around,  he’s  going  to  try  and  kill  as  many  people  as  possible. what  “easier”  world  is  that  ?  (  her  fingers  started  to  pull  at  the  inner  linings  of  her  coat  pockets. even  as  she  spoke,  she  remained  turned  from  him. )  they’ll  always  be  feared. nothing  is  going  to  change. this needs   to   work,   charles. 


/  /  *  *  gonna  start  this  off  as  a  one-liner  cause  my  head  hurt 
               i  know  i  said  i  wasn't  coming. . . but,  surprise  !  can  you  tell  who  i'm  dressed  as?  it  will  be  the  only  time  you  see  me  this  way.
           /  /  halloween  starter  !


@tantalizingtelepathy  ྄ᤲ᤺
              yeah,    he  deserves  a  little  break. i'm  not  much  of  a  party  person,  but  i  can  sacrifice  how  i  am  for  a  few  hours. (  she  gave  the  other  a  small  nudge  at  the  mention  of  friends. she  was  pretty  fond  of  hank. )  actually,  he  might  be  wondering  where  i  went  off  to. . .


                          [   hank   smiled   and   nodded   at   this,  he  wasn't   fond   of   ever   being   doubted.   it   was  like  a   punch   to  the   gut   when   he   was.  ]    eh,  i  needed   a break   from   all   the   blue.  [   he   took   a   small   drink   from   his    own   cup   now,   he  was   in   no   way   a  heavy   drinker   at   all   he   wouldn't   be   found   to   be   tipsy   ever.  at   least  not  in  such  a   noisy  and  unpredictable  atmosphere. ]   you  don't  have  to  thank  me,   it's   what   friends  are   for,   right.ᐣ  charles   has  really  been   through  it,   i   really   like   seeing   him   happy.


@tantalizingtelepathy  ྄ᤲ᤺
             (    lorene    rose    her    hands    up    in    her    defense. )    hey,    i    never    doubted    you,    hank. it    was    so    worth    it. (    as    she    went    to    take    another    sip    from    her    cup,    lorene    noticed    it    was. . . empty. had    she    really    been    slurping    it    up    ?    perhaps    it    was    time    for    another. )    mm. i    can    see    the    commitment,    but    i    don't    think    the    blue    would've    hurt. you    both    are    adorable    together. thanks    for    helping    me.


the    visits    between    them    have    grown    into    more    frequent    trips. the    time    spent    between    them    were    divided,    between    schooling    hours    and    what    lied    after    that. usually,    lorene    tended    to    stay    with    charles    at    the    manor. to    be    close    to    him    for    one,    and    it    beat    driving    further    after    coming    for    virginia. the    drive    alone    after    working    various    hours    created    great    strain    on    lorene.
                     with    all    the    powers    she    possessed,    none    were    immune    to    human    nature. she    was    still    prone    to    dozing    off. especially    after    those    long    drives. more    often    than    not,    the    new    pair    would    rest    together. that    way    they    could    spend    the    most    time    together    for    those    days    they    couldn't. 
                         being    a    pair    now    was    something    lorene    was    still    getting    used    to. she    had    spent    so    much    of    her    time    alone    that    it    was    hard    to    remember    someone    was    now    in    it. though,    she    would    never    mind    it    from    charles. but    she    would    mind    moments    like    these. (1/2)


                          do  not  start  with  that  again.  there   is no   xavier   here,   only   charles.  [   as   her  mind   wandered   his   did   too.  a   nice   quiet   place   he   very  often   naturally  drifted   to.   he   was   drawn  to   her  on so  many  levels.  being   with    her   was   never   stressful   it   was   like   a   nice   reset   form   the   stress   of   his   everyday   life.   ]
                  [  the   telepath   was   very   physically  affectionate,   physical   touch   was   his   love  language.  when  he   was   close  to  her   he   always   had   the  urge   to   be   touching  her   in   some  way.  it   made   him   feel   so   warm   and   loved   especially   when   they   were   a   cuddled   up   to   each   other   like    this.  it   wasn't   their   intention  to  fall   asleep   together   like   this  in   the   first   place  but  he  wouldn't  want  it   any   other  way.  ]
                 hm,  maybe   you   will.  but   the   passes   are   limited   [    he   teased  before   he   yawned   stretching   his  arms and   settling  in.  he   noticed   her   drastic  change   in   demeanor   the   moment   he   began   to   scratch  her  head.  he   smiled  holding   her   close,   pressing  her   head  against   his  chest  as   he   continued   to  scratch. as  he   was   still   in  her   head   he   felt  the   waves  of   drowsiness  hitting  him  as   well.  when   he  was  in  her   mind   he   felt   exactly  what   she   did   and  now   his   own   eyes   suddenly   felt   so   heavy   before   they   fluttered shut.   ]


@tantalizingtelepathy  ྄ᤲ᤺
            "    alright,    xavier,    if    thats    what    you    want."    lorene    grinned,    adjusting    herself    comfortably    at    his    side. it    was    nice    to    let    her    mind    wander,    even    if    that    meant    he    wandered    in    to    it    as    well. 
                           his    laughs    were    truly    heartening,    they    only    widened    her    smug    demeanor. opening    up    to    someone    like    this    never    felt    better. she    was    relaxed    around    charles    behind    closed    doors,    which    was    a    drastic    change    from    their    last    few    meetings. 
                       "    a    pass    ?    how    generous. am    i    going    to    need    a    pass    for    a    lot    of    things    now?"    as    she    spoke,    her    words    began    to    string    apart. the    sudden    feeling    of    her    head    being    scratched    made    her    feel    drowsy. it    was    like    a    wave    of    exhaustion    had    finally    hit    her. it    wasn't    something    that    she    could    fight    off. perhaps    all    the    various    emotions    were    catching    up    to    her. even    her    eyes    began    to    feel    weighted    from    being    open.


                          it   will   take   some    time,   adjustments   and  lots   of   patience.  all  of   which   i   am   more   than   willing   to  offer   to   you.   [   he   pressed   his   cheek  against   his   cool   pillow   looking   down  to   her  ]    simmer   down,   would   you.ᐣ  we're   relaxing  now.
                 [   her   giggles   were   contagious   and   he   laughed   softly   alongside   her.  in this   moment  he  found   himself  drifting   off   too.  but   not   to   sleep,   right  into   her   mind   where   he  felt   her   happiness.   when   he   accessed   anothers   mind   he   felt   what   they   felt. his  fingers  carded   through  her   hair  a few  more   times   before   he  began  to  scratch   to  top   of   her   head.  ]
                  [   something   stood  out   to   him  in   that   sentence.   she'd   indirectly   told   him   she   loved   him.  this   brought   a   smile   to   his   lips. ]   it's   still   poking   fun   at    me   regardless   of   the  context. but   you  get   a   pass ..  i   suppose.


you wanted to see me?


                         alright, one  it  is  then.  [   he   was   overjoyed  to   see   her   actually  excited  about   this,  as  he  was  thrilled    himself.  he  truly  didn't  get  out   and   away   from   the   school   too   terribly   often.  ]    oh  really.ᐣ im  quite  excited  too.  i  haven't   been   out   in   a   hot   minute.  this   will   be   very  nice  for  us  both.


 ⠀ yeah, one works perfectly.  [edena nodded with a soft smile in agreement, as if her words weren’t already a clear enough confirmation for him.]  oh, brunch sounds absolutely delicious.  ( .. )  i’m going to tell you an embarrassing fact, but it’s been quite a while since i’ve eaten during the day. i’m actually kind of excited for this.


                        [  charles  pursed  his  lips  for  a  moment  before  he  leaned  back  against   his   chair.  ]   mm  perhaps  around  1.ᐣ  if  you  truly  don't  mind.  there's  a  small  little  restaurant  right  up  the  street,  lovely  little  brunch  place  a  couple  of  minutes   up  the  road.   


' i wasn't going to hurt anyone — i just . . . can we talk ? ' 
          ;     man got caught sneaking in 


                       [   charles  was  exhausted  per  usual,  and  it   wasn't   like   he  got   much   sleep   anyway.   ]    i  sure   hope   you   weren't  going   to   harm  anyone,  the  floor  is   yours   please  explain   why  exactly   you're   here. 


  charles, c’mon this feels silly.
          / / * * training things 


( @tantalizingtelepathy )
             (  there  was  no  reaction  to  her  being  touched,  but  her  brows  lowered  as  her  face  scrunched  up. her  mind  repeatedly  replayed  different  moments  of  her  torture,  each  different  than  the  last. flashes  of  white  and  green  would  fill  her  mind  as  the  fragments  filtered  in  her  mind. it  was. . . resetting  itself,  to  the  point  where  she  couldn’t  focus  on  his  voice  even  if  it  wasn’t  being  overrun. within  seconds,  her  eyes  shot  open,  not  necessarily  focusing  on  anything  in  particular. but,  everything  went  silent. all  the  sounds  of  rustling  leaves,  rushing  water,  and  even  charles’  voice  for  only  a  few  seconds. it  took  lorene  a  few  blinks  to  finally  focus  back  on  him,  catching  his  last  sentence. ). . . that  felt  less  weird  than  last  time.


                     [   charles   could   hear   the   inner   turmoil  going   on   within   the   confines  of  her   head   as   she   tried to  push   though.  his  nose  scrunched  up   slightly   as   he  felt   a   sharp  pain  in   his   temple  but  even  that   didn't   stop   him.   her   head   was   a   fair   more   troubled   place   than   he'd   originally   thought  which  only  made  him  want   to   push   harder.  he   lost   her   in   the   slew   of   unfamiliar   voices   and   he   spoke   aloud   too.  ]    lorene.   you   can   do   this,   i   know   you   can.   [   he   wheeled   himself  closer   placing   his   hand   against  her   forearm.  ]    let's  try  one  last  time,  pick  out   my   voice   and  really   focus   in  on  it,   to   the   best   of   your   ability.  


( @tantalizingtelepathy )
               (  the  voices  became  less  distant  and  in  fact  grew  louder. no  longer  were  they  just  words,  but  pieces  of  different  conversations. pieces  like  “  she  won’t  remember  this…”,  “—  creating  a  weapon.”,  “  make  sure  this  never  happened”. hearing  those  phrases  in  her  mind  caused  her  body  to  tense  up,  as  her  body  seemed  to  remember. lorene’s  fists  unfurled,  her  fingers  spreading  to  keep  her  balance. flashes  of  needles,  files,  people,  her  screaming  were  growing  repetitive  as  she  tried  to  cross  this  threshold. her  breathing  grew  staggered  as  charles’  voice  grew  more  distant. “  i  can’t  hear  you”  echoed  in  her  mind  in  many  voices  that  weren’t  her  own. it  echoed  so  much  show  that  she  began  to  say  it  aloud  repeatedly. ). . . can’t  hear  you. . . they’re  keeping  me  from  it. . .