
Chapter 7 of COLD LIGHT is up! Read here and let me know what you think:


Ok guys. All the new stories that I've started I've removed from my account. I started writing Cold Light a few days ago and I have the same energy writing it that I did with Solstice. It will be a dark sci-fi story, super twisted and weird. I posted the first chapter which you can find here:
           I've recently went through a lot in my life and I'm currently settled in at college and I feel like I can finally relax and write and feel good about it.  If you liked Solstice you might like this one too. It feels sooo good. So right. Once I develop more of the story I'll have a better summary out!
          Thanks for reading this if you are, and I hope you check Cold Light out.


Chapter 2 of "The Edge" is up :) you can read it here:
          I know I've been MIA for a while and you've probably forgotten me. A few updates--
          - I've been working on a short film with my friends for the past few months (remember that kickstarter?)
          - I've been pummeling through "writer's block"
          - I haven't been reading much so my writing has been suffering
          - I've been busy doing college stuff. If you didn't know I'm going off to college next year and it's exciting but also scary! 
          Anyways, it seems like I'm out of my writing funk and I'm excited to continue writing "The Edge." Hopefully you guys like it (but I'll be posting it regardless)!