
@measar: ya u totally shood sum of em not the best best 1s maybe not hehe hey go to my fans and  click on the cookie and read her story and fan her! tell her its from me 


i know that im annoying, but hear me out?
          i was reading you page and i think you might enjoy some of my stories. i write about vampires, romance, horror, witches, angels and a lot more.
          if you read or become my fan i will deffinately read and become yours ! (:
          thanks for your time


well im a girl of course id cry more than a guy lmao inooo the book was different than the film lol which was a tad random i was confused lol
          and yea the lil blonde kid was funny he made me laugh wen he was in the car crash i was nearly cryin ! i thought he was gonna die! nope havent seen that film..have read the book tho lol 
          and i dunno why i think it was cuz we helped america in the war