
I'm back, kind of.


So I'm about to write an actual book. Scares me a little, mostly because I've focused a lot more on the plot rather than the main character (which is something I never do). 
          And the dreaded questions flow in...what if my character isn't developed enough? What if I can't fill up my chapters? What if it ends up being some kind of mutated short story? What if I can't convey the right feelings?
          I've barely written 100 words, maybe I should keep the questions for later.


Woke up with bruises on my cheekbones.  Who knew I was a MMA fighter in my sleep, battling my soul's worst enemy-- myself?
          Hope I'm considered cool with the young'ins today.


@StillSearchingForMe Not very old actually! I'm only nineteen, but I hang out with a lot of children where I live, so sometimes expressions such as 'young'ins' escape out of my mouth.