

THE DIG, Kai’s Character Origin Story - Extended Prologue ONE & TWO begin our Mystery / Adventure. ✨If you’ve met Kaizio in Earth’s Crust Survival, then you’ll likely enjoy this revealing challenge—where his extraordinary skills and attitude grew—lived and shared from when he was nine!


Here, the next character introduction begins! We would love your reaction—perhaps at multiple points—to how we pulled these 11 chapters to make a WP Authors’ Cut Prologue edition for our next origin tale, Otherborn: The Dig, “Kai’s” story. (The published pilot will follow). ✨♥️⚔️ Should we have cut this backstory to the backstory out, do you think?


And… here’s the ‘for-now’ last episode of Otherborn: The Crevasse, before we next week jump sideways into Kai’s origin story for this intro set. 
          Hope you’ll enjoy our interrelated journies, on the hopscotch hunt for some clues about the mysterious world after the Mag! ♥️✨⚔️


A quick heads up… as Gideon may be the only one of us able to post or read on this profile for a while. I am going to do what I can but tech issues have (actually company new ownership changing things w/o warning) will make my presence hard to predict or control on my end. Hope things don’t get disturbed,… but just saying, in case… ✨Wez out for now ♥️⚔️☘️


Could there be more to the mystery of those missing men…? A quick pop in to post this week’s update and then off again to further real life adventures. Hope you’ll enjoy what our…hmmm… hero? has found himself involved in next! : / ✨♥️⚔️