
Currently working on HOE. For those still reading and waiting thank you. It’s coming.


I’m so excited . I’m going to start from the beginning and re read 


          "Colorism doesn't only effect people of dark skin. I'm light skin, and I deal with colorism too. Sometimes I feel like I have to prove my blackness to other black people. I constantly get asked, what am I? What am I mixed with? As if it's impossible for me to be just black. I have dark skinned friends, and I will admit, that when we're out together, I get the most male attention, and it makes me feel bad. Then I'm constantly labeled as stuck up or think I'm all that. And that's not the case. I'm not trying to downplay the struggle that those with dark skin go through. But there's always two sides to a story." Kiara stated.
          Nyla side eyed Kiara, feeling some type of way that she was pulling the ‘reverse colorism’ card. “I’m sorry Kiara, but I’m gonna have to disagree with you. Nothing you stated equates to colorism. In fact some of the things you mentioned just shows your light skinned privilege. I understand everyone has their stereotypes that they go through based on skin tone and phenotype but let’s not act like a girl like you isn’t at the top of the beauty hierarchy in the black community. Use your privilege to advocate for your dark skinned friends when you see them being treated differently than you instead of making it about you. Colorism isn’t about you boo. It’s about the the dark skinned people across all cultures and walks of life who are ostracized on a daily because of their skin tone, because of course you wouldn’t get that because it’s easier to play the victim instead of admitting that there’s a problem,” Nyla eyed Kiara dead in the eye as she spoke, feeling empowered on speaking the truth instead of letting her comment slide.
          “Now that’s how you check a bitch,” Gabby clapped, causing the whole class to follow suit cheering Nyla on.


Going through my library and it seems like a lot of urban black writers have left this platform or completely ghosted. How is Wattpad now? Are urban writers still creating on here or is there a drought? I’m genuinely curious. 


I’m still writing here, not much interaction depending on what book I update. But I still like wattpad. idk any other apps to move to lol 


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@k_zeresh I really miss your writing, you kept me motivated. And I’ve been trying to end my book so I can work on a new one, but I feel the same if I ever got published I’d still be on here cause I still get on here to read newcomers shit !


@k_zeresh autocorrect I meant Co labs


Just read hoe for the millionth time!! Happy new year!! & as far as the series question it would kinda be cool if each main character got their on little book to show what happens after they graduate. 


Ok thanks for the response !! Take your time & do what feels right to you. 


Thank you for the suggestion. I’ll keep that in mind. I really want to finish the book and have it complete. Once that’s out the way I’ll look into a series depending on interest. 