
Hello everyone! 
          	I just wanted to say thank you for all the reads and support on HER RED SCARF. I see everything and I will try to be more active this winter break. 
          	With love,


"Hey there! Sorry for disrupting your message board, but I'm a new writer trying to find my footing, and I was hoping you could give my work a read. Any feedback or support you could offer would be greatly appreciated. I understand that you may be busy, but I'd be grateful if you could take a few minutes to check out my writing. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!"
          In addition to being a writer, I also have a bookstagram account where I share aesthetics related to books and reading. If you're interested, feel free to check it out. I hope you enjoy the content and find it inspiring as a fellow book lover. Thank you for your support!


@Airathetics alright i will def


          "Dear reader,
          This is a reminder to check my book when time permits. I also welcome any feedback or comments you may have. I also have an Instagram account  https://instagram.com/aira.thetic?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== 
          where you can find more content about the book. Sorry for dropping your without permission.
          I sincerely hope you enjoy the book and find it as interesting as I did while writing it.


DON'T WALK RUN, THE NEW CHAPTER IS OUT. here's a snippet. 
          "No one gets married planning a divorce down the lane. We all wish for forever, but maybe we aren’t all fit for that. Sometimes, we must try again because forever was never written in the stars for us.
          Sometimes, forever is just an instant. And that instant playing badminton earlier was forever. One thousand percent."