i’m honestly — well not necessarily scared but worried to even like k-pop anymore. like i’ve been drifting out of it and im not as active as i was but this whole situation with jaeil and then stuff about the nth room being leaked and then the burning sun scandal is crazy. male artist literally get a slap on the wrist. like look at that one dude from big bang who shall not be named. WHY ISNT HE IN JAIL ? this situation reminded me of how MEN are just men no matter how innocent they try to play. and everyone is talking about “i feel bad for the fans and the money”
that’s money you can make back, the people assaulted can’t get anything back. us as “fans” need to acknowledge that we aren’t the victims and that we don’t know these people. sorry but not sorry.
also apparently 10-20 idols are in the nth room can these sasaengs actually be useful and leak the names of all those nasty people in those gr@pe chatrooms ???