
"I walk around the Party all night, with a few of the of the cheerleading team at my side, They heard about me looking for the 'New Guy' So they wanted, in, apparently he's "Uber hot!" Said by many of the cheerleaders as an adjective to describe him. I want to see him, to see if he's just another football player. But i know he probably will be. As usual.
          	"Look! Look!" Squeals Shelby and one of her little friends that is linked in her arm, "He's there, Over there!"
          	I turn around to see where they were pointing, I look up to see the hottest guy i've ever seen surrounded by a few skater guys with long hair. He had a hot face, and a smirk that was so sexy all the girls behind me collapsed. I rolled my eyes, and took in some more features, he had a six pack, and well you could see it from the outside of his shirt.
          	I looked behind me to see all the girls, collapsing and smiling and waving at him,and when i looked back up he was staring at them and his smirk took over his face. His Black short hair was perfectly spiked up at the top of his head, and his brown eyes stared at them playfully. He was loving the attention. And then he looked over to me, at the exact same time i had rolled my eyes, and had a stupid 'What the hell is up with them' look, And his smirk left his face in an instant and he looked at me with curious eyes, i turned away and walked off, while the rest of the girls stayed there stairing at him. They didnt seem to notice the change in his expression. But that, was weird.
          	I walked over to the kitchen again, getting some beer, i felt low, so i wanted something to make me happy. There were groups of kids along the stairs, making out, and talking and drinking.
          	I walk up the stairs to see Mon and the guy she's been obsessing about sitting next to eachother in a circle, with other people surrounding the circle, in which was a empty bottle of wine.
          	"Oh Rosie!" Mon says jumping out of the ci..."


"I walk around the Party all night, with a few of the of the cheerleading team at my side, They heard about me looking for the 'New Guy' So they wanted, in, apparently he's "Uber hot!" Said by many of the cheerleaders as an adjective to describe him. I want to see him, to see if he's just another football player. But i know he probably will be. As usual.
          "Look! Look!" Squeals Shelby and one of her little friends that is linked in her arm, "He's there, Over there!"
          I turn around to see where they were pointing, I look up to see the hottest guy i've ever seen surrounded by a few skater guys with long hair. He had a hot face, and a smirk that was so sexy all the girls behind me collapsed. I rolled my eyes, and took in some more features, he had a six pack, and well you could see it from the outside of his shirt.
          I looked behind me to see all the girls, collapsing and smiling and waving at him,and when i looked back up he was staring at them and his smirk took over his face. His Black short hair was perfectly spiked up at the top of his head, and his brown eyes stared at them playfully. He was loving the attention. And then he looked over to me, at the exact same time i had rolled my eyes, and had a stupid 'What the hell is up with them' look, And his smirk left his face in an instant and he looked at me with curious eyes, i turned away and walked off, while the rest of the girls stayed there stairing at him. They didnt seem to notice the change in his expression. But that, was weird.
          I walked over to the kitchen again, getting some beer, i felt low, so i wanted something to make me happy. There were groups of kids along the stairs, making out, and talking and drinking.
          I walk up the stairs to see Mon and the guy she's been obsessing about sitting next to eachother in a circle, with other people surrounding the circle, in which was a empty bottle of wine.
          "Oh Rosie!" Mon says jumping out of the ci..."