
yeah i’m in love with park soo-young stan red velvet 


hi (again) (: i usually don’t like to do this because i too get annoyed by it pretty easily but i was wondering if you could check out my new story and let me know what you think as this will be something really close to my heart. if you don’t want to or don’t have the time, i understand but it would mean a lot to me. and if you do and enjoy it so far, maybe tell some friends about it. thank you so much and stay positive. xx


yessss of course i’ll check it out!!! i love the name :))


Hey you! Would you like to take a moment to check out my story Cappuccino [Harry Styles]. The lead character is a woman of colour. Thank you ❤️  It would mean the world to me. If you don’t like it, that’s fine x



of course i can check it out once i finish the book i’m currently reading!! i love the preview haha 