
It’s been a hot minute, huh?
          	I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy during this quarantine. Now that my semester is wrapping up, I’ll have more time to rewrite old stories and begin new ones. All of this time indoors with myself has given me plenty of story ideas! 
          	I’ll be responding to your messages and resuming my books as soon as I can. And you guys will have more to read before you even know it, I promise 
          	Take care of yourselves. Much love! 


@arimichella super glad to see you again!


I just wanted to say, your series about saki are amazing. I really loved the twists and turns involved in the book, and some I would have never guessed were coming! These three books made me laugh quite often, and I hope your proud of those books, because they're really amazing


this legitimately made me smile in class. thank you <3  messages like this make me want to write again 


Hi I just wanted to say that I’ve just started reading your book the girl that no one knew and I love it!! Also I was wondering if you had any writer’s advice? Also if you could check out my new avatar book I would love that. Thanks