
You give me Wattpad, and I give you my... rather diminutive website in return. 
          	I've decided to move along from Wattpad, (but Yelverton, you've already been lurking and nothing more for the past year -- well yeah, now I'm saying goodbye officially), and post my works on my own website. In particular, I'll be working on a series that challenges an often-unanswered question in dystopian novels: What happens after the rebellion succeeds corrupt government is overthrown? Has peace and prosperity truly been established... or have they uprooted one danger only to plant another?
          	For those curious, my website can be accessed here: 
          	Stay safe!


*Rebellion succeeds AND corrupt government is overthrown. You make a wonderful job of sounding like you know what you're doing, Yelverton.


You give me Wattpad, and I give you my... rather diminutive website in return. 
          I've decided to move along from Wattpad, (but Yelverton, you've already been lurking and nothing more for the past year -- well yeah, now I'm saying goodbye officially), and post my works on my own website. In particular, I'll be working on a series that challenges an often-unanswered question in dystopian novels: What happens after the rebellion succeeds corrupt government is overthrown? Has peace and prosperity truly been established... or have they uprooted one danger only to plant another?
          For those curious, my website can be accessed here: 
          Stay safe!


*Rebellion succeeds AND corrupt government is overthrown. You make a wonderful job of sounding like you know what you're doing, Yelverton.


I feel rather downtrodden about writing. I've lost most of my motivation. I look back at my work, and see that it's utter slop. Dammit, Yelverton! Find a way out of this bog, sooner rather than later! Don't just let yourself muck in your misery!


@Yelverton_TheGeek_  Things are good today. You're welcome anytime you need me I'm here pinkie swear!


@BreachWarden A break, yes. Time'll bring back the motivation on its own, I'm sure. But considering that I just came back from several weeks of a break a while ago, (which was really more of an overly-prolonged bout of procrastination muddled with other priorities), I'm kinda hesitant to take another break too soon, haha. But perhaps it'll be for the better, though I tried writing again today, and I feel like the ol' spark is slowly coming back to life again. Slowly, but it's there.
            Haha, is this BOEL you're referring to? XD Nah, at this point, I just look back it occasionally and find myself amused. It's not really the old stuff that gets to me. It's my current work, actually. Namely, the prose, which is far to byzantine for my own liking. I'll definitely need to go over it sometime with a weedwacker, and give it a nice trim for readability. I suspect Tolkien might have something to do with my sudden burst of complex prose. Only, Tolkien knows how to write complex prose, and I'm only an imitator who's trying a bit too hard, haha.


I have decided to take a short break from Wattpad, of one or two day's time, just to focus more on my writing. Quite amusing, considering that I just came back from another unnecessarily-long hiatus.


@BreachWarden True. XD I try to reply as soon as possible, though, so sometimes I feel the need to give some excuse for having a short delay. Then again, maybe one or two days is pretty short, too, though I seemed to have underestimated myself. Procrastination is a beautiful thing, especially when you can do it on the littlest matters, like replying to a message. XD


@Yelverton_TheGeek_ Is it even worth mentioning if its a day or two?! XD
            Hey guys, I'm taking a break from wattpad! *wakes up the next morning* Okay I', back!


To all the people who have made the same mistake that I did--

          They say you learn something new every day...


@EryxAias Possibly, plausibly! I don't pronounce it as a solid 't', ("buTTler"), but more like a semi-soft 't'. ('Budtler', perhaps?) It may just be a matter of how used I am to saying "fruitation" -- I've never heard it otherwise, so I've grown up having it ingrained in my mind that way. Much similar to how similar to how most people pronounce "mischievous" as "mischievious", and would argue if told that the latter "i" isn't supposed to be there.


@Yelverton_TheGeek_ Ah! Was analysing this. This may be the reason we might have that difference with it: Might be perhaps that you pronounce your "t"s more strongly than I do when they're in certain areas of the word? Mine are a bit accented at the end, but not as much when they're in the middle. Do you pronounce "butler" as buT'ler? Mine may sound almost like buhler to you, or some other word, then? 


@EryxAias Hm, I find it harder the other way around. Though it's probably because I'm accustomed to saying "fruitation". "Fruition" just feels... I don't know. It lacks the "t" in "fruit", and maybe that's what throws me off, haha.


Hello! Just wanted to say that I do book reviews, so feel free to request one if you're interested. 
          Have a good day/night!


@Yelverton_TheGeek_ Thank you so much for your words of advice and encouragement :)) Best of luck on your book!


            Oh, nice! At the moment, the story I'm working on isn't really... at the revision stage yet, so I'm not really in need of a review. But I'll definitely check out your review shop when the time comes.
            Good luck with your reviews! From reviewer to reviewer, it's a pesky business that pays off if you stay dedicated. So stay dedicated. :)


Alas, as I was writing my story, I realized that one of my subplots were absolutely pointless to the main conflict. And so a whole cast of characters have now been completely wiped out of existence, never to see the light of another word ever again, now that they have been seen of no use...
          As much as I liked that particular character I wrote, it pains me to bring it to an end without honor.


@BreachWarden Pish and posh! For such plotlines to make their mark in the first place, tis but a shame of mine. For so it goes, that an extremely sentimental farmer should rather plant one potato and keep it ripe, than two, only for one to wither, and leave the farmer to mourn over its lost one! It says so right here, m'lord, if you would give me a moment...


@Yelverton_TheGeek_ Reverse, sir, for you are the one willing to cut your useless plot tangents!The honor goes to thine!


@BreachWarden Nay, 'Warden, such words should be attributed to you instead!


Alright, semi-philosophical question of the day:
          Why do you guys write? And before you say it's for enjoyment, do you really enjoy every moment of it? Certainly there are days when you're feeling down, and you don't want to write. And there are other moments such as editing, which I'm sure some of you dread. But why persist through all of that, if it's just for enjoyment?
          And perhaps another argument you would make is "to show other's my work". But for what? What do we really gain, in the end?
          Sorry if this ended up a bit preachy. I'm just questioning this myself right now, and I want a bit of opinion.


@Yelverton_TheGeek_ no problem! Well, there's always a point when we grow tired for some reason and question such things. I've also racked my brain because of this question of yours and found out my inner vain nature. ^^


@sarah3534 @ray_of_sunshine9 @awesomeSTG Thank you for your thoughts! I have to admit that for the past few weeks, I kinda got blindsided by another ambition, and I lost that underlying reason why I love to write. So thanks for reminding me of why, again. :)


@Yelverton_TheGeek_ hey there! Just wanna share the reason why I write! 
            Firstly, I write because there are too many things in my head. And, mind you, these things cannot be found, nor be satiated in the other books that I read... and I also wanna create a world of my own. That makes us sound like small gods of some sort, no? Haha, yes, I love playing roles. 
            Speaking of roles, I love getting inside the brain of my own creation and watch him work and do the things I can't — or normally wouldn't. I'm writing about a thief and describe his heists in great detail, and it somehow makes me feel like I've done the part myself! (And... And that's pretty terrifying, realizing that theft is scary and all.) 
            I can experience being the villain first hand, I can experience being a fire-dancer taming the flames, a spoiled royalty, and many more! Speaking of roles, we as authors play many, many different things for the sake of the tales we tell. A scribbler, for poetic descriptions and imagery, architect, in describing towns, kingdoms, the structure of castles, designers, when we make sure our character's outfit is important to the plot! 
            Writing also expands my vocabulary and knowledge, and it reminds me about the things I need to keep in mind regarding grammar every time. Handy, huh? 
            Of course, there's always a point where you're not even sure about things, but I don't really mind taking up so, so many hours of my day just writing. (Well, I regret keeping my eyes on the screen for too long, but... you get the idea. *shrugs*) 
            Writing is a bittersweet sensation that makes us feel so many things while we're intoxicated in its charms and roaming free, all the while reminding ourselves of the rules bounding reality and grammar altogether. Oh, what irony... =) 


Hello. This is your editor from the Treasure Community. I came to ask if you still wanted the required chapters edited.


@LunarAquarius Ah... about that...
            At that moment, I'm kinda taking a break from writing, and I don't know how long that hiatus will last. I'd say for now, postpone the editing, if that works. :)