Every now and then I go back to see my old book covers and cover shop and I wonder how did people even like the covers?! I am
          	Also, I have books I drafted from the drafts AKA, books I erased and don’t keep in my drafts, and I am CACKLING AGAIN! 
          	Going down memory lane is dangerous and hilarious! Point is…I know my fanfic era is over however I do have project to finish and revamp because they do need to be done justice. 
          	With that said, I appreciate everyone who has been with me since the beginning and still read my books. Not leaving just yet, like I said I’ve got fanfics to finish, but do know after I’m done I’ll just have to say goodbye.
          	It’s amazing to see my growth, and I ADORE everyone who’s supported me for so long and are coming in this year. You’re all amazing❤️❤️


Every now and then I go back to see my old book covers and cover shop and I wonder how did people even like the covers?! I am
          Also, I have books I drafted from the drafts AKA, books I erased and don’t keep in my drafts, and I am CACKLING AGAIN! 
          Going down memory lane is dangerous and hilarious! Point is…I know my fanfic era is over however I do have project to finish and revamp because they do need to be done justice. 
          With that said, I appreciate everyone who has been with me since the beginning and still read my books. Not leaving just yet, like I said I’ve got fanfics to finish, but do know after I’m done I’ll just have to say goodbye.
          It’s amazing to see my growth, and I ADORE everyone who’s supported me for so long and are coming in this year. You’re all amazing❤️❤️


I’ve created the series named “Divine Calamity” which is about four different OC’s whom will be coming out in chronological order. Starting with…The Forever series about Elizabeth Marshall. 
          I hope you all will like it and yes I’ll be editing Elizabeth’s story in order for it to fit better. 
          If you wish for a sneak peak, head over to my Instagram. @ whorv06.wp