
How long have I been gone?! Everything's so different! Not sure how much I like it... But, hey, at least I'm back, right?! ^u^";


          I never thought I'd get this far; almost 260 followers and 110 votes, I couldn't have done it without you guys. You're all the best and I love you so much. Thank you for supporting me and dealing with my nonsense for these past two years.
          And so...
          Since it's my 2nd anniversary, I uploaded the 2nd Chapter of "The Inferno Within"
          I love each and every one of you, my fellow VulpixStar-ians~
          I hope year 3 will be as good as these last two, and maybe even better~


Hey guys! So, my two year anniversary is coming up in a few days, so I'm going to try and update The Inferno Within again. School has been busy, so I was only just able to finish my picture for chapter 1, but I'll try to get the written chapter out as soon as possible. Picture may not happen before the anniversary, but you never know. And, who knows, maybe I'll get to TANT sometime in the near future as well~ >;3


I only need one more vote on the Prologue of "The Inferno Within" to post my update, so if you enjoyed reading it, tell your friends to read it and leave a vote if they liked it~ ^_^ I'm going to put the finishing touches on Chapter One right now~


*clears throat*
          *taps on the microphone on the podium in front of me*
          My fellow VulpixStar-ians,
          I have been given the saddening task of presenting this unfortunate news to you all.
          As you all know, the first story I started writing on here was The Inferno Within. A while ago, I put that story on hold. I am sad to say that in the coming days, it will be deleted. T^T
          There is a sweetness to be enjoyed through this overwhelming bitterness of this piece of dark chocolate you have just bitten into... *pauses and looks at the speech in front of me and mumbles* i swear, whoever wrote this was an idiot... O.O" Oh wait... I wrote this... Hmmm... Well then... *continues louder than before* There is a bright side to this tragic loss! Although I am deleting the original, which I will keep up until Saturday, July 12, 6:30pm Eastern Time, I am going to do some MAJOR revising to it, and LO AND BEHOLD, I WILL POST IT ANEW, FRESH AND REBORN! ((So, basically, without beating around the bush: The Inferno Within {TIW} will be deleted for major renovations. I'm keeping it up so you can read it one last time (if anyone even reads my crap anyway...), but when the new one is posted, there will be really big changes, like character relationships will be different, for example. So, when I go posting this new one, don't pick it up on Chapter 11 and expecting it to have left off where I ended chapter 10 of the old one. I'm 99% sure the chapters won't end up lining up the same, given I'm going to elaborate on things a lot earlier on, since now I'm older and wiser. ^_^)) So, with this blessing in disguise in mind, I dismiss thee from my presence. *drops mic and disappears in a cloud of smoke*
          Your future overlord,


Hi I missed you!


@MisakiofKonoha Thanks~ And that's great, I love summer too, so I hope yours is as awesome as you are~ ^_^ Oh, which one? Maybe we're watching the same one! xD As do I, as do I.
            Yes, it does! It really does! Especially drawing out the characters for me too, since you even learn more about the characters as you design them and get to know them better. I know my explanation of it, probably sounds weird, but I make new discoverers about my own characters everyday when I take the time to draw them and stuff~


@VulpixStar glad to hear it! I'm on summer break too :D I'm currently watching an anime too haven't done that in a while, I'm planning to write more hopefully.
            I know that urge to just do a random thing like drawing or designing things before writing, I strongly support it too, it does give you ideas and motive to write ;)


@MisakiofKonoha Well, I know we all missed you too~ ^_^ I've been pretty good. I finished my first year of high school and am on summer break right now, so I've just been resting. I started watching a new anime and I plan to revise my story, The Inferno Within, but before I do, I've had a strong urge to draw all the characters. xD Random, I know, but I just have to~ ^_^