
I wonder if I should still wait I mean I only downloaded Wattpad again because of some books that I like and this one is one of it and some are still updating and some aren't. Because it's been years, at least an update if ever you're still here, on a new account or different platform you've decided to go to. I checked Dreame because I thought I remember you mentioning it but there's nothing which made me wonder if I just made it up.


I really miss reading your book. You're such a great author and your work is really amazing. It was the first book i read here in wattpad, and i keep coming back to see if you have already updated.
          I havent come across any books that kept me hooked like yours so it hurts a little knowing that i wont be able to reread it again.
          Pls let us know when you will be be able to publish again