
this message may be offensive
Hey everybody! I'm writing this to let y'all know that I'm delaying this week's chapter's release till tomorrow. I spent this last week moving back into my dorm and getting prepared for my second year of college, which took up pretty much every waking moment. As such, what I currently have written is shit, so I'm going to spend tonight editing and making it presentable for your enjoyment tomorrow!


this message may be offensive
Hey everybody! I'm writing this to let y'all know that I'm delaying this week's chapter's release till tomorrow. I spent this last week moving back into my dorm and getting prepared for my second year of college, which took up pretty much every waking moment. As such, what I currently have written is shit, so I'm going to spend tonight editing and making it presentable for your enjoyment tomorrow!


Hey @sydneygremlins! Yeah, Wattpad hates us mobile browser users... maybe try a laptop or the Wattpad app? That’s so kind of you to say! Comments like that make me so proud of what I’ve written and that I have such an awesome community of readers to share it with. OMG REALLY? I WOULD LOVE THAT! If you’re really willing to spend your valuable time drawing covers for some silly fanfiction, email me at I don’t know what to say!


Heya! Just wanted you to know that I love your fic, and you honestly could be a writer for your job. I don't say that a lot (I'm not even satisfied {hehehehheheh} with my writing too scatterbrained) but you're really good. An editor to fix a thing here or there, and you're done! Keep being you, doing what you do. Have a great day/night/morning/afternoon/life!


Reading is one of my absolute favorite things to do, so I’m glad I helped you get back into it. I’ll keep writing!


Thanks! It's really hard to find good, well written fanfics, especially Grofflin. And there's not much that need editing (lots less than mine lol). And I'm happy I like it that much too! I'm not that passionate about reading lately, and I think I just need to find something I like; and this is something I like. Thanks for being you!


@mosspaw512  Thank you so very much! I’m so happy that you like it that much. I’ll try to edit more 