[ Primeval One Shot Account ]

Drop a suggestion in the message board { or inbox this account } with the following with a small prompt.

[ E.g - Connor/Abby. Set in the Cretaceous { series 4 episode 1 } Abby gets hurt by a creature and its up to Connor to make sure she is okay. Connor keeps hassling Abby, even though she insists she's fine. Ends with Connor and Abby cuddling by a warm fire ]


• We take slash { E.g - Stephen/Nick, Connor/Ryan Abby/Helen }
• We do smut { A notice will be put up at the start of a chapter indicating smut }
• We do threesomes { E.g - Stephen/Nick/Connor }
• We take all one shots, but try and be patient. You will be notified when your one shot is ready to be published.

Account owner: Millie
Account supervisor: Nicki
Account editor: Georgio

{ Millie writes the one shots. Georgio edits one shots and Nicki stores the prompts and responds to messages }
  • JoinedJuly 21, 2014