
im bacc


You don't understand what I've been going through. I've been betrayed, and hurt. This isn't your fault, it's not anyone's fault. When I tasted the spaghetti, the taste was fine. I didn't expect the spice. It hurt me. The spice burned my throat, my tongue, my mouth, my soul. Spaghetti, my true love, which I engulfed with great speed, damaged me more than you could ever understand. You don't get it. All these memes and jokes about spaghetti, but I've loved it since I was born. It was perfect. Not the noodles, not just pasta. Spaghetti. Pasta with meat sauce. No one will understand me when I say this, but I have an undying love for spaghetti. And having that spice betray me like that? I don't think I can go through anything like this again. I can taste it, months later, I can taste the burn of betrayal. It hurts. When I was young, I remember the peaceful bliss of stuffing myself with the spaghetti, smooth and silky, the perfect food, the perfect taste. All of my happiness, and bliss, ripped away by just once spice. The pain of this is too much to bear, but I must go on. I must go on.


For all the casual memers out there this is motivation for you. I didn't go to a meming unerversity. I had nothing and got and F on memes when I graduated from school. Started of in the basement with small loan of 9000 memes. Now look im the edgiest memer known across all forums. You just need to be more edgy and creative with memes according too the meme bible on 9:11 "One cannot simply meme without edgy fedoras" I got my edgy fedora of ebay for ¥1337.69 not that expensive in yen. Yes I live in Japan after watching alot of anime and hentai I decided to move here to become an ultimate ninja goku warrior. Just from memin in my basement im now a ninja warrior in japan i am trained in titan warfare and have over 9000 confirmed waifu pillows. Not edgy enough? Ive been in numerous secret hentai animations on rule34 too. goodbye, seek my wisdom young memers and you will find the rare pepe


are you silent in the trees


@cxstaway omg but when you have the time read it because honestly its worth it but no rush tho omg 


omg I've never read it don't kill me fam


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@cxstaway did the forest fic fuck you up like it fucked me up


hey there buddy chum pal friend buddy pal chum bud friend fella bruther amigo pal buddy friend chummy chum chum pal i don't mean to be rude my friend pal home slice bread slice dawg but i gotta warn ya if u take one more diddly darn step right there i'm gonna have to diddly darn snap ur neck and wowza wouldn't that be a crummy juncture huh? do u want that? do u wish upon yourself to come into physical experience with a crummy juncture? because friend buddy chum friend chum pally pal chum friend if u keep this up then well gosh diddly darn i just might have to get not so friendly with u my friendly friend friend pal friend buddy chum pally friend chum buddy


@hte1975 why do you do this to me


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You know what I don't understand? No one ever takes memes seriously. I'm being honest here. No one ever stops and really understands the memes. They just pass it off as just another shitpost that was made by some edgy shit in his basement, waiting for his mom to bring him chicken tendies. These people are wrong. Memes are made by the greatest minds on the planet. Each one is carefully and delicately crafted to get the most amount of karma on Reddit. I'm led to believe that maybe even Albert Einstein made a meme. Now, I am not talking about the shitty Facebook memes that don't take any effort at all, like what you see on say, for example, Berny Snaders' page. They lack a soul. I only speak of 4Chan memes and the like. Things like dank pepe, dat boi (o shit waddup) and troll faces. These types of memes deserve respect. They aren't trash. They are art. 


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I sexually Identify as Pepe the sad frog. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of being green and depressed. People say to me that a person being green is sad and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I’m Pepe. I'm having a plastic surgeon install green skin, and a sad face on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me Pepe and respect my right to be green. If you can't accept me you're a pepephobe and need to sad. Thank you for being so understanding.


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