
I promise, I'm not dead. I'm still writing this thing out.
          	We're gonna be moving things along with this story soon. Got some plans laid out, just need to get them written out properly.
          	Sorry for the wait, everyone! Hope you're doing well though! <3


I promise, I'm not dead. I'm still writing this thing out.
          We're gonna be moving things along with this story soon. Got some plans laid out, just need to get them written out properly.
          Sorry for the wait, everyone! Hope you're doing well though! <3


Chapter Twenty-Four is currently in progress. Sorry for the silence.
          Wanted to ask, how did you all like the music recommendation at the end of the last chapter? Do you think it's a good idea to have one at the end of every part? And did you like the song I posted? If not, meh, it's not for everyone. But I hope at least one of you enjoyed it.


Lots of radio silence on my end, that's my bad.
          So, quick update. I got an internet upgrade. My upload speed was hot garbage for awhile there. Went from an upload of 5 to 40 after this upgrade. My ping when playing games is so much better now, which means nobody on Overwatch is safe from me (probably).
          Also, I've been at work on the next chapter over the last week. You won't believe how many revisions I've been going through, trying to find what I think works and will leave me satisfied. It's gonna be a wait, but I can't tell you how long it'll be. I wanna do this all right, so I'm making absolute sure to take my time, both for me, and for you, the readers.
          Without spoiling anything, I'm wanting to expand on some of the characters of this story. That's where a lot of my focus is going, though I'm also not letting become a drag on the story itself. You know, no random flashbacks and stuff. But just because there are side characters, that doesn't mean these characters don't have personalities and stories and all that, you know?
          Okay, that's it from me for now. Next you hear from me, it'll be when the chapter drops. Thank you for your patience. Have a lovely night/day, everyone.


I appreciate the feedback from those of you who commented and messaged me about what I said regarding the story. You'll notice I took that part out, so as to keep the chapter numbers aligned with the number of parts Wattpad has listed.
          I've taken your words to mind and thought about what I would like to do. From here on, this fanfic continues. However, I will be slower with updates, as was recommended to me by one of you. I will take my time, and just put these chapters out when I feel satisfied with them.
          "The Rogue" is the first thing I've ever written. This is me just seeing if I actually enjoy writing. As stressed out as I may have seemed, I do actually love writing this story, and so I want my work to reflect just that.
          I'm currently working on the next part as we speak. I'll put it out when I feel it's ready.
          Thank you for sticking with me thus far. Until then, everyone.


Sickness has hit me again. But it won't stop me from working on this story this time. I know it's been a minute, but I am coming back with more chapters. Just give me a little time, and I'll update my shitty little story.


Well, due to how things are going, The Rogue is now being switched from "all audiences" to "mature." That said, it's nothing heavy, but it's enough that I don't feel like risking the wrath of whatever bots or whoever reads and reports whatever isn't properly labeled.
          Also, still no lemons. Not gonna happen, don't ask.