
Hey everyone, 
          	Firstly I would like to apologize for dipping for a few months again. I am alive, just kind of really overwhelmed by my life and everything happening in it. I want to do better, hence I have put my book “The Unlucky Villain” on hold for now and will only start reupdating it when I have a good supply of chapters ready. 
          	This way weekly updates can happen. I usually just got too excited with the story and posted the new updates immediately... not my best idea lmao. Anyways, I am not sure when I will manage this but I am hoping that latest in the summer I will be ready.
          	Sorry again to everyone that wants to know how the story continues, I have seen your comments and I feel honored by them all. I did not expect my book to get this much exposure especially because it started being posted on a new account.
          	I hope all of you are doing well! 
          	Hoping to update soon,


Hey everyone, 
          Firstly I would like to apologize for dipping for a few months again. I am alive, just kind of really overwhelmed by my life and everything happening in it. I want to do better, hence I have put my book “The Unlucky Villain” on hold for now and will only start reupdating it when I have a good supply of chapters ready. 
          This way weekly updates can happen. I usually just got too excited with the story and posted the new updates immediately... not my best idea lmao. Anyways, I am not sure when I will manage this but I am hoping that latest in the summer I will be ready.
          Sorry again to everyone that wants to know how the story continues, I have seen your comments and I feel honored by them all. I did not expect my book to get this much exposure especially because it started being posted on a new account.
          I hope all of you are doing well! 
          Hoping to update soon,


Hello! The next chapter of “The Unlucky Villain” has just been posted! Sorry it took so long haha. I hope you guys enjoy it and please remember to drop a comment telling me your thoughts and/or leave a vote!


@justwantsomereads I hope you enjoyed it! It was fun to write  




Hey all! 
          Just dropping by to let you all know that I am still alive and writing. I just got quite sick and then overrun by the start of the new school year xD.
          The Unlucky Villain should have a new update coming sometime in the upcoming seven days. Thank you to all that continue to stick around despite my very messy update-schedule.
          Hope you all are well, and that you have a good day, 


Exams are over and my constant battle with chapter 8 has finally ended! It was just posted, I hope you guys enjoy it <3


@justwantsomereads Thanks! I am proud to be back xD


Greetings and Salutations! 
          Perhaps you are looking for this message after looking at the newest update (which was not really an update, sorry), or you just randomly stumbled across my account and are looking through the conversations. Who knows, I sometimes do it.
          Anyhoot, in regards to my book, “the Unlucky Villain”:
          If you came here from the book, you may have read that I caught covid and got quite sick, hence the rather long delay for chapter 8. I will be trying to upload the chapter sometime next week (starting 6. Feb), or the week after (13. Feb onwards). 
          Thank you for sticking around and have a good day/night <3


Yup, this did not work out. Like, at all. Some more personal stuff has come up so I do not know when I will be able to update. I will try to update asap but unlike the pervious time I will not give a date as I am not sure if I will make it lmao.
            I hope you, the person reading this, have a great day and stay healthy <3
            Until next time!


Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Merry Kwanzaa to all that celebrate! 
          For those interested: I should have a new update ready soon, a bit overloaded with upcoming exams, but minor details, right?