Hm.  About me? I guess I’m just some plain Jane. Honest to goodness, I’m nothing special. I don’t draw, I don’t colour, I don’t do sports, don’t play no ball sports neither. Heck, I’m surprised I’m considered fit. Like I said, I’m boring. I’m not much for conversation either, so I’m afraid I’ll bore you in no time flat, unless we have the same interests. Like Fire Emblem. Boy, I do like Fire Emblem. Shin Monsho no Nazo was a good one, innit? So was Fuuin no Tsurugi, even if the AI was a cheatin- Oh. You’ve never heard of those titles? ….I’m sorry for boring you.
So, that’s about it about me. Yup. That’s all. Nothing else much. Har har har.
  • JoinedOctober 31, 2013
